You are gung-ho on sorting, purging and donating your unnecessary items from a particular area of your home; unfortunately you just can’t seem to make a decision. Do I, don’t I? Should I, shouldn’t I? When do you dismiss clutter and unwanted, unneeded items from your home?

Many Lovely Ladies seem to grapple with the notion of “when does it stay, when does it go and when do I donate it?” No need to worry anymore. Let’s run through some simple steps that will ensure your ability to make the right decision when sorting through your worldly possessions.

~Time to Donate: It is time to donate an item when it is out of style, not your type, haven’t touched it in over two years, it is too big, it is too small, you do not like how it looks on you, it has no use or it has seen better days in your eyes. One major component to keep in mind is that if you look at the said item and it causes you distress it is time to get rid of it. It doesn’t matter if this said item is old, new or something in between; off with its proverbial head.

~It’s a Keeper: It is time to keep an item when you use it, you’ve utilized the item in the past 1-2 years, it has sentimental value, you love it or it brings you happiness. Holding onto something because it is helpful, practical, functional or handy is a surefire way to surround yourself with exactly what you need.

~Trash Time: It is time to put an item in the waste basket when it is broken and cannot be fixed or it is in absolutely horrible shape. The old saying goes “one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure,” so be alert when putting things in the garbage and aware of their dire need to go to “trash heaven.”

~Reuse Time: If you come across items that you could possibly use in another area of your home in a different genre of employment, reuse it and take advantage of its versatility.

Organizing you and your surroundings requires that you take one step at a time. Take action today!

Author's Bio: 

Nothing brings me greater pleasure in life than to assist women on their journey toward better health, enhanced fitness and molding a lifestyle to one that meets their expectations. Coaching Lovely Ladies is a enormous passion of mine and I am completely honored to be able to assist each and every Lovely Lady on their travels of a happy, organized, active, balanced lifestyle. I coach real women who are willing to take real action and reap real results. Visit my website today and let me help you work toward your wellness goals.

Women’s Health and Fitness Coach