Hello just wanted to share with you all some Great tips on building your business. If you find it hard to talk to prospects on the phone, sponsor new reps effortlessly, and handle objection and rejection.

My friend Mike Dillard, network marketing expert, recently sat down to interview one of our industries top recruiters, Mark Wieser.

If you haven’t heard of Mark, then you are missing out. He has personally sponsored as many as 254 new reps in one year, consistently sponsors as many as 25 reps in a month, was his companies’ number 1 recruiter for 15 consecutive months, and has built an organization of over 10,000 reps in less than 2 years.

So it is fair to say that he is one of the best and knows a thing or two about recruiting.

In this interview Mark reveals what it takes to sponsor prospects on the phone almost effortlessly. Mike grilled him for close to an hour to reveal his secrets.

This interview was video taped and instead of charging for it like some suggested Mike do, he is making this video available to you for free for a limited time.

If you would like to dominate the phone with your prospects and sponsor more people than you ever thought imaginable then you owe it to yourself to get your hands on this video interview.

You can watch it now and have it delivered to you instantly by going to ….


Remember there are 3 main Reasons that people QUIT Network Marketing/Direct Sales


If I could show you two programs that I am currently using to generate 5-10 quality leads a day would you be interested in hearing more?

If you are truly serious about building your Network Marketing/Direct Sales business, there are only two programs I can recommend right now that have stood the test of time and one is Mike Dillard’s program and MLSP Prospecting. Both of these programs provides you with all the tools you need and a vast array advanced training you can use to generate traffic to your site, generated leads, leads on demand, and even promote your business. MLSP can even help you generate money right away to help offset some of your expenses. In my opinion it is the perfect solution to help you and your teams get started - regardless of your skill set that you bring with you.
Enjoy this free information.

If you would like to know more about what I am doing please send me a message with a good time to connect with you.

~ To Your Extraordinary Success

Lori Wagner
Business Owner, Mentor

***If you like to work with me, email me your name, phone number, a brief message about you, and your interest in growing your business to lap129@hotmail.com leave me your information by calling my google voice number (443) 203-9824. Myself or my assistant will contact you for a follow up within 24-48 hours between 5-8PM EST Monday – Friday. My office hours are 5-8:00 PM EST Monday – Friday and weekends by appointment only.

Author's Bio: 

Lori Wagner is a Business Owner who makes it a point to help other network marketers build their Business.