How to live a healthier life is similar to God's Ten Commandments prescribe for holy living. The individual has the choice to obey them and enjoy holy happy living, or they can ignore them and perish. How to live a healthier life is also a choice you can make by following certain principles and enjoy vibrant, healthy happy life, or ignore them and live sick, unhappy miserable all your life. How to live a healthier life is a choice, your choice.

Nutrients: You should consume only foods that are produced by plants and grow in how to live a healthier life, and forbid everything that is produced in a plant. The first plant is a living organism that is God-made, but the second plant is a building that is man-made.

The first plant produce living phytonutrients with potent antioxidants compounds in the form of vitamins and minerals that protect body cells from the damaging effects of Free Radicals. Free Radicals are by-products of oxidative damages to the cells of the body, as a natural result of metabolism, or from our unhealthy lifestyle of fry foods, smoking and other poisons we put in our body.

Free Radicals also come from the polluted environment, and the damage to the cells is associated with an increased risk of many chronic lifestyle diseases. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenes and vitamin E reduce the damage caused by these radicals.

Balanced Diet: You should have a balanced diet every day and live healthy. Yield not to the temptation to eat your meal up-side-down. Know how to live a healthier life and eat your heaviest meals between breakfast and lunch. Dinner and supper should be lighter than the others.

Modern day eating is putting 1 in every 3 persons at risk of developing cancer at some time in their lives. Eating a balanced diet daily should consist of the following: seven to nine servings of. whole grains; five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables; three to five servings of protein and one to three servings of fats and sugars.

A serving is half of a measuring cup, or one of those small party plates. Eating the right way can turn back the hands of time, and change the way you think, look and feel. But even more important, can reverse the age-related macular degeneration of the body.

Rest: You should get quality and quantity sleep and manage how to live a healthier life. Get enough to refresh and rejuvenate your body. Studies have shown that when people get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night, their risk for developing diseases begins to increase. Get a full night's rest of seven to nine hours whenever possible.

Without adequate sleep, the immune system becomes weak, and the body becomes more vulnerable to infection and disease. To ensure quality sleep, your bed room environment should be quiet and dark for best resting experience. And you should not work in bed, unless it is "sexersize"

Exercise: You should move thy body daily for the many health benefits. The health benefits that are derived from exercise are unquestionable, yet the majority refuses to make the time to exercise the body. These are just some of the benefits of how to live a healthier life:
• Stronger heart and lungs
• Joints flexibility and muscle strength
• Stronger bones to manage your rigorous activities
• Acceptable weight management
• Enhancing vibrant sex with your spouse
• Increased energy
• Increased self-esteem
• Increased mental focus
• Reduction of stress and improve your mood
• Reducing risk of colon cancer
• Reducing risk of heart attack
• Reducing risk of gall bladder disease

Water: You should drink five to eight glasses of water daily and experience "how to live a healthier life". Two third of our body is made up of water, ninety five percent of our brain is water, ninety percent of the lungs consist of this substance and eighty two percent of the blood is just water.

Do not take it lightly when they say water is life, that is a fact. Drinking enough water to keep your cells hydrated can prevent headaches, reduce tiredness, improve concentration and increase short-term memory.

Detoxification: You should cleanse that God given body of yours and learn how to live a healthier life. Because of toxic over load, you are often times feeling fatigue, sluggish, suffering from aches and pains, having skin problems, digestive problems, headaches and allergy symptoms.

Detoxify your body of the accumulation of poisons that you get from almost everything you do, including the unhealthy foods you eat, the polluted air you breathe and the impure water you drink.

Sunlight: You should get more sunlight on thy skin and live healthy. Researchers are now starting to recognize the importance of sunlight for a healthy lifestyle. Vitamin D is absorbed naturally from the sun. It's necessary for healthy bones, muscles, and cells. It also helps the body absorb and use phosphorus and calcium. If we are exposed to sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes a day, we can absorb about 10,000-15,000 IU of Vitamin D each day.

Laughter: You should laugh out loud every day because it is good for you. If you want to effectively manage stress, laugh more. You can laugh even when there is nothing to laugh about. Laughter benefits the health of the mind and soul. New research has shown that laughter can flush clots, cholesterol and inflammation from the body.

Laughter has similar health benefits to exercise. When we laugh, our facial muscles stretch and there's an increased heart rate and blood flow. We breathe more deeply, taking in large amounts of oxygen, to cleanse the system and activate many health benefits.

Endorphins, a natural pain relieving hormone, are released during laughter. Endorphins created by laughter reduced cravings for food, alcohol and drug addictions. Endorphins are also believed to reduce stress and slow down the process of aging.

Socialize: You should spend quality and quantity time with friends and family and live healthy. Health and happiness are brother and sister; they operate like hand in glove. If you have friends and loved ones around you, it can make the difference in how to live a healthier life.

Several studies report that there are fewer colds, lower blood pressure and lower heart rates among those with strong social ties. We are created natural social beings, which is why marriage, perhaps the strongest tie, adds years to life expectancy.

Meditation: You should meditate day and night to maintain your mental health and emotional well-being. I leave this health commandment for last, but it's the most important. Simply put, meditation is a discipline thought that focus on one single object for a period of time.

Just like how we rest and cleanse our physical body, we need to mentally detox our mind from the mental clutter, messages and information we have been consistently bombarded with through out the day. It's refreshing to spend a time of quiet, still reflective moment where we can commune with your God, so we can hear from and learn how to live a healthier life

Author's Bio: 

Adrian Tea Brown the savvy online entrepreneur who use failures as stepping-stones to his success.

Life is all about choices, and the choices you make today you will have to live with tomorrow. You can have the best of both world to live in amazingly good health and at the same time make a decent living from the from the comfort of your own home.

Adrian Brown wishing good health and prosperity