I frequently encounter people who are on a quest to figure out their purpose in life. On a very fundamental level, your purpose in life is to breathe and everything else is a choice, including your purpose in life. Once you acknowledge that, other than breathing, everything in life is a choice, you can begin to fully appreciate the power of choice.

Sometimes you may think that you have no choices, however, in reality, this is not so. Even in the most dire of situations you always have a choice. It could be to act, or not to act, which are both choices. You may not always like your choices or options, and the best one may be a 'no-brainer', however, you always have choices.

You choose your values, thoughts, actions, attitudes, words, friends, who you associate with, how you spend our time. Even the things that you may think are obligations in your life are choices, such as getting up in the morning, feeding your children, going to work, paying your rent or mortgage, stopping at the stop sign or red light. These may seem obvious, yet they are not givens – they are all choices. They are based on the values you hold and the norms that society dictates.

You make choices day-by-day and minute-by-minute, perhaps by default and being on autopilot, not being fully aware that they are choices. How many times to do you say “I have got to do this or that?” While you may feel a sense of duty or obligation, these things are still choices. If you find yourself weighted down by the 'shoulds' and obligations in life, consider changing your wording. Instead of thinking and/or saying “I've got to do this”, say “I choose to do this”, which has a very different energy to it.

Sometimes you may find it difficult to choose because choosing often means giving something up. This can paralyze you into not making a decision, not wanting to choose. You second guess yourself with doubt - 'What if I make the wrong choice? What if I make the wrong decision?'

Consider approaching decision making differently by seeing your options as a choice of Box A, Box B, Box C, each with its opportunities and experiences. Make the best decision with the information that you have and commit. Don't second guess yourself and miss the opportunities and gifts that are in the box you choose by wondering what you may be missing by not choosing one of the other boxes. Remember, every situation or circumstance is a learning opportunity, an opportunity to practice your values and this is where you find the gift. Choose to find the gift where you are, instead of focusing on what you might be missing by not being somewhere else.

Life is all about choice. You choose how to think, how to act, your attitudes and your feelings. You choose your goals and then you choose whether or not to commit to those goals. And then, once you have committed, you make choices every day which move you closer or away from what you want to create. Every situation, challenge, opportunity and decision presents you with choice. Sometimes those choices seem obvious and easy; sometimes they seem confusing and difficult. Whatever choice you make has consequences and either adds to your personal power, or diminishes your personal power. So, make your choices consciously. This can seem like a daunting task, especially when a great deal depends on the choices you make.

Here are three questions I invite you to ask yourself when you are faced with making a choice. Asking yourself these three questions will support you in creating what you want in your life.

How will I feel about myself when I have make this choice?
Will this choice enhance my relationship with myself?
Will I be walking my talk if I make this choice?

Whether the choice is a big or small, it is the consequences that count. Your “little” choices have a significant and cumulative impact over time. The power of a choice is whether or not it contributes to what you want to create, or whether it moves you away from that.

When you are clear on who we are, what you stand for and what you want to create in your life, your choices become clearer. You have the power to make your dreams and goals become your reality by the choices you make. Choose wisely. Choose powerfully.

Author's Bio: 

Janet Christensen, President & CIO of Dynamic Awareness Inc. is a life and transitions coach, speaker, Master Passion Map™ practitioner, accredited retirement coach, Power Coach® and author. Prior to starting her own company, Janet had over 25 years of experience in the corporate world as a manager, trainer and facilitator, where she was formally recognized by REALTY WORLD Corporation, Kelly Services and the Canadian Diabetes Association for her leadership. Janet's commitment to and expertise in helping people live to their passion and potential supports both individuals and organizations in clarifying and reaching their goals. Janet has authored several published articles and co-authored the books Expert Women Who Speak, Speak Out, Vol. 2 and 5.