The very word I have come to embrace the sound is the same so many various individuals miss out or take for granted, some of which deny this word when it comes along each day!

It is the notion of endless possibilities to come and even conquer one‘s fears or doubts they may have once had. The term assists with the rise and perhaps the fall of many changes causing surmountable eruptions within a person of any age, gender, race, background or any common or unique denominator.

This word does not matter who you are, yet it will always keep in mind those seeking out its sometimes effortless potential of success and satisfaction. The achievements it brings are offered for the pure attempts to prove how possible the impossible can become and the how insistent the benefits really are.

The word will facilitate the resignation of the old for the new. This inclines such a major role in our life today and the moments still unforeseen for the future. Don’t misunderstand the light nature that may be perceived, because it only portrays a demand to be credited for its possibilities, not the impossible.

The word has the ability to alter the course of one day to the next. This word written within the thick pages of our ”English Bible”, if you will, simply does not do justice for those who are empowered by its presence.

This commonly used terminology will not always stay bountiful or be subjected to positive, influential levels of abundance one may thought it would have if accepted for what it was intended for if the initial leap is never taken or hesitated. It will not always wait for those lacking the open arms it desperately requires.

Some even forfeit the nature of its gift without ever knowing what’s to be unraveled if they had just chosen to unwrap its contents to see what was underneath.

As we cannot breathe submerged in water, yet never think twice to take a breath in the open air, this concept too cannot breathe in the midst of those found sinking beneath their hermitage abode, yet will steer quickly and straight towards those who seek its purity and balance.

Moments not given into are the times one misses out on; therefore, maybe in those instances, ignorance potentially is bliss. The true fruition one can honor with an openness maybe never encounter is a serene endeavor to witness. That is what this word can provide to those having the positive perception of acceptance, without ever knowing that, the moment may be lost or distanced.

One may have to travel where the body has never traveled or the eyes have never seen in order to lock in its full and pure capabilities. The person, from that point on, must make their choice to stay upon their new path or just fall dead in its tracks.

All may never quite welcome its greatness, but hopefully one day all will see how “The Word Is Opportunity” that offers everything we need to be positive, loving, charismatic, outspoken, successful, and willing to provoke more surefooted outcomes.

The word is opportunity that gives one the life they demand, deserve and desire. The word is opportunity that provides what one never thought possible. The word is opportunity that leaves the future within the hands of the beholder.

The Word Is Opportunity - You may have it once, hear it once, see it once, but never miss out on its word it can voice to you.

Author's Bio: 

Mandy has always been able to look at each issue within life as if the cup were half full. She has learned to never settle for any venture in life; however, all journeys are to be embraced as personal and professional challenges. Each and every opportunity should be seen as the ground for initiating growth, intellect and experience.

Mandy takes anyone or anything for granted, because she gives every task, each part of her heart and soul to ensure objectives are successfully achieved. After managing for a number of years, Mandy learned how invaluable life is, including human drive to meet desires by never giving up on dreams, even when life is at its worst. As a writer, a host of her own blog, and her general love for life has inspired her to help others see life for what it is...A miracle.

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