I’m a small town girl who grew up in Maine. Then, out of the blue, we made the decision to move to Arizona. How thrilling! This would be my own personal "coming-of-age" episode - after growing almost in secret in backwoods Maine, I'd get to blossom in the big city! The cultural melting pot of people and a walker’s paradise has always appealed to me. My dreams had nothing to do with the reality I found. My imaginings of Phoenix had nothing to do with reality. Clubbing and shopping are fine - in moderation - but they seemed to be the major activities in Phoenix. The weather was disappointing, and the topography didn't appeal to me either. It seemed as if my work life and personal life both started out great and then both went downhill. I was miserable during the days I spent at work, and I was miserable during the evenings I spent with a guy who pushed all the wrong buttons. On top of that I gained a lot of weight because I turned to food for comfort. It was family loyalty alone that kept me in the Phoenix area.

I finally got myself out of that situation when I broke up with my ex. New opportunities seemed to open for me almost overnight to accompany the exhilarating sense of freedom that enveloped me! When I woke in the morning, I consciously expressed gratitude for the past, happy anticipation of the future, and a healthy determination to make the very best of today. I even maintained a gratitude journal, and made a point of writing in it every night! I turned my life around: I got a new job. I got a fabulous new apartment. I got rid of about 50 pounds. And I got pumped up.

Using the Law of Attraction, I took responsibility of my life, I knew that it needed a change and I had to be proactive to get the results I wanted. It was positive thinking that helped me to control my feelings and to confront the obstacles I found in my path. My life was precious, I learned, and that realization opened my heart and my mind to love everything about life. Before I knew it many windows of opportunity opened themselves up to me. I set about restoring my social life - I got back into dating, and I met and fell in love with the man of my dreams! We left Phoenix together and set ourselves up in San Francisco, which really did have all the attributes I'd dreamed of in a big city, like cultural diversity and a real walker's paradise!

The fascinating thing is this: I made all these changes to my life BEFORE I watched The Secret. This was a breathtaking discovery! The secret DOES work. If I could change my life positively and drastically with the power of the Law of Attraction than so could anybody else. I turned my life around, completely for the better - and now I could share my story to help others do the same! No wonder I'm so joyful! If I can change, then you can change as well! The Secret really works - of that, I haven't got any doubt at all. The sooner you put The Secret to work in your life, the sooner you'll see substantial results!

Author's Bio: 

If you too want to use the Law of Attraction to turn your life around (like it did with mine) check out The LOA and Action and this review I wrote on this amazing product, Attractor Genie Product Review.You can utilize this program to help you manifest what you want to accomplish more effectively and effortlessly.