Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
Overview of 9/5/11 “Creation Energies” my free 15-minute, channeled show available at either www.blogtalkradio.com or www.LifeTapestryCreations.com: This transition impacts not only the earth but the Universes. Like a sliver in your finger effects your entire being until you remove it. You are an extremely important thread in this transition tapestry and to follow someone else is to remove your thread.
Special Event: Beverly J. Thompson and I will be channeling at the The Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness in Greenville, SC Saturday, September 24 at 1:00 pm. Additional presentations in the spiritual healing arts will be available throughout the three-day festival. Call A Class Act at 864-233-3033 for more information.
Dear Ones,
So much is happening to so many of those you love. It may even feel as if Armageddon has arrived. This is so difficult for us to explain for your heart is in pain.
This transition is effecting the entire earth and all the entities on earth. It is not a plague from the God of yesterday, but rather a cleansing of the you of today.
You have continued on the same road for eons. Sometimes it was bumpy, sometimes smooth. But it always encouraged, even forced you to move in one direction. A direction that was further and further into pain and fear. That road has ended for many of you. You now have numerous choices about the direction you select. Some roads are more enticing than others. Some are more comfortable than others. But all lead you to the light, the new earth.
Your travel is no longer comfortable in terms of knowing who you are and where you should be. But it is exciting. What is around the next corner? Just as your road ended and new paths have opened up, earth is also closing some doors, some paths and opening others. This is a Universal shift.
For many of you, your experiences do not seem to warrant such a blase attitude. You or those you love are in pain – whether physical, spiritual or emotional. That is to be expected with any shift of this size. But most likely, that thought does not lessen the pain – it only makes you angry.
This transition is a revolution of the greatest magnitude. Just as is true in any revolution, new systems have to be created and put in place before a comfort zone for all the participants is visible. Do you remember the recent photos of Libya’s liberation - the cheering, joy and hope? Those of you who are practical perhaps thought of the infrastructures that need to be created under the new regime. Who will run the government? What type of government will it be? Who will police activities? What type of education system is appropriate? What is necessary to encourage industry to create new employment opportunities? Who will pay for the repairs necessary to return to a new normal – including houses, roads, electric current, water systems, public buildings and on and on.
You have completed your revolution – the New Age is here. Now it is time for you to create the structures that fit the New Age/new earth. What are you going to create and why? You no longer wish to repeat the structures created in fear and pain – or do you? You no longer wish to continue relationships based on giving and not receiving – or do you? What do you wish to create? That is the quandary that is so affecting most of you reading these materials.
The old road has ended. What types of new roads do you wish to create? And where do you wish to create them? You are a self-governing person/entity. Accept that role, relish that role and move forward in the direction that feels most right for you. Negate those who continue to push you on to their road or urge you to help them rebuild the old road that has ended. Who are you? What do you want to create? That is your role now.
The same is true for earth. The old earth of giving without receiving has ended. That path no longer exists. The earth and thereby, the Universe is attempting to create new roads and new methods of creation. And just like you, the earth is playing with this thought and that thought. Nothing is defined or clarified. But the old method of giving and not receiving is over for earth just as it is for those of you who wish to move to new roads and new creations.
Does that mean that earth will self-destruct or that those “bad” people who do not believe in the New Age/new earth will parish either physically or emotionally? Not at all. First, there are no bad people. Merely people too frightened to grasp the concepts of the New Age/new earth or knowing within that such is not their role in this lifetime. Earth is discovering new paths. It is shifting and testing this route and that route. And indeed, it will find it’s comfort zone just as you will and at about the same time.
Those affected by earth upheavals have volunteered subconsciously to allow earth and themselves to move into the place that is most right for them. Perhaps it is a death transition. Perhaps it is restarting their life on a different road. Perhaps it is to interact with someone or something. It is not your place to determine if they are moving in the correct direction or if they are being punished (NOT!) or if they are less spiritual than you.
Prior to this transition, there was one main road and even though some of you took a few meandering paths, you maintained your place on that road. That road has ended. There is no longer one road. Each of you – whether you are moving into your spiritual path or not – are now creating new roads. Those in the most pain will be those who continue to try to stay on the road that no longer exists. But it is not your place to point out what you consider their error. Your role and only role is to follow your heart and create your road.
Does that mean you negate those you love who are suffering? Not at all. Merely that you will give what your heart whispers to you to give – whether physical, emotional or spiritual aid. But at the same time, you will no longer hold yourself back so that those you love can move into the New Age/new earth at the same time as you.
Perhaps you will provide a lifeline – but you will no longer have the need to jump in to save those who insist on drowning despite all the support and assistance available physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Earth is in a similar mode. “I will give you warnings about impending dangers or upheavals, but I will not stop those shifts to save you.”
A revolution should never be initiated unless you wish to live in the aftermath. This is the creation time of the New Age transition. The New Age is here – that revolution is over. Now what you do wish to create? So be it. Amen.
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An intuitive since birth, Brenda Hoffman channeled the book, "A Glimpse of Your Future" in 1989. This prophetic classic describes your role in this new earth transition. It also answers questions such as how to find your joy and inner-power; why corporate, medical, political and religious structures are changing; and what earth will be like in the year 4000.
Before retiring to South Carolina, USA, Brenda held positions in corporate marketing, business management and social services. She has a Master of Science degree in sociology.
Brenda continues to share her prophetic insights via her free, weekly, channeled blog and radio show both available at www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. She has also been a featured guest on various international radio shows including Carl Helvie, PhD "The Holistic Health Show", several Minneapolis, MN television talk shows, a New Age columnist for the "Twin City Reader" and the subject of a Minneapolis "Star Tribune" Sunday magazine feature.
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