Hey guys, today I’m going to talk to you about having the right attitude in this, or any type of marketing. You probably asking yourself? What do you mean? I have a good attitude. Well I’m sure you do. However, you might not have the “right” attitude. What I mean is this. If you have decided to do this as a second income, or a full time job altogether, great. I wish you nothing but success, and I will try to help you any way I can. But, you need to understand that this is a “business” and you need to treat it as such. It can be as big, or small as you want. It is entirely up to you how much you build this up. You see, it is not just about throwing up a site, and saying okay I’m going to be millionaire now….wrong!

Believe me I know what I’m talking about, because I fell into the same trap. I thought I could just throw up a simple credit card site, and have droves of people just start flooding to my site, because everybody wants a credit card right? God I was so naïve back then. I did not know anything about qualified traffic, article marketing, keyword research, pay per click, marketing forums, building an email list, etc. Well you guys know what I’m talking about. However, some of you might be getting frustrated because you have had a site for three months now, and are not making any money yet. Well that is most likely because you are not treating this as your business. Now, do I mean you have to go right out and get a business name, an license ,and start hiring employees? No, but you need to apply the same attitude, and tactics, that you would if you did own a proper business.

Understand this, that a lot of companies do not even show a profit their first year. You need to find a product that people will want. Find where those people are on the internet. Put a professional site up. Collect email names, and address, to market to them over, and over again, and find one way to market to them like pay per click, or article marketing, and become a master at it. When you have done that, then move on to another form of marketing. Do not do what I did, and try everything under the sun. I was stretched in fifty seven different directions. Stressed out to the max, and frustrated. Take your time, be methodical, and strategic in your marketing business approach.

Do not pay any attention to the gurus who say you can make $50,000 in 45 days, hogwash! Sure they can do it, because they have an email list of 35,000 people and have spent time building up their business for the last 10 years. You probably have not done that, or had time to, yet. That is where I’m going to come in, and try to help you. Take advantage of my 5 years of knowledge, trust me you will be so glad you did. Just be patient, and understand that this is a marketing business to be built up. Treat it like your own child and it will make you proud, I promise.

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Trevor Poulson, and I’ve been marketing online successfully for years now, for more great marketing business advice, without the hype, check out my site today!