By Satya

“This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.
These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”.


Our Essence needs to be expressed with humility, simplicity, with the inner strength that there is in everyone.
We can define this force: 'The Power of Being’, 'the Power of the Soul'.
Beloved Luminous Soul, I understand that, apparently, these expressions may seem opposed to humility, but they are not.
This is the power of Light, of Love, and manifests itself in humility, simplicity.
The Power of Being, the Power of the Soul, is opposed to the power of the world, of our personality, that wants to dominate, own, manage, oblige.
They satisfy the ego, but they are illusions, they create suffering, lead to suffer and make suffer.
While the Power of Being makes rejoice, satisfies the heart and Soul, the Essence, allows to experience our talents, makes us express all feelings and emotions, gives us the strength to live everything.
The power of the world, of our personality, creates prisons, and imposes limits, while the Power of Being goes beyond any limits, makes us free, leave free, helps to become free.
Humility makes us great, the Power of Being makes the greatness of the Soul, of the Light express themselves, in humility, simplicity, in Love.
It is difficult to speak of the Power of Being, the Power of the Soul, when around us the power of personality, the ego, the world are given a great value.
It is not easy to live the Power of Being, the Power of the Soul, when you live in situations where the other power is expressed, the one that dominates, that imprisons, when you are among people who have chosen the conquest, possession of all, dominion over all, through the use and abuse of power.
And, often, we abuse of our power with great cunning.
Wherever there is the pursuit of this power, with the illusion of creating security, privileges, wealth, of being able to dominate.
But, in the end, we become prisoners of ourselves, of these illusions, these conquests, which turn into prisons.
That's why expressing our Light, walking on a Path of Light, defending our Light, defending Love and Light, requires the continuous, intense expression of the Power of Being.
Luminous Soul, even though some situations, relationships, can create a feeling of helplessness momentarily, remember that nothing and nobody can actually imprison you, can keep you from living as you want and the choices that you did, because you are a Divine Spark, you are Light, and the Light all can, all makes, all creates.
Often, we don’t express this power and don’t live it, for fear of losing something or someone, of losing safety, or what we think to be advantages.
In fact we lose our freedom, we lose ourselves.


The expression 'Power of Being' creates a certain difficulty in me ...


"This happens because you met and suffered the power of the world, the power expressed by personality.
Gradually you will know the true meaning of this word, the meaning illuminated by Light, accompanied by Love, it won't create any more trouble.
So, then, you will do everything to win this 'power', feeling that with it you can express who you are, your Belief, with it you will have the strength to walk, you will be able to Love and help with intensity.
You'll find that the Power of Being is the key to remain even more humble, to live even more simply.
The expression of the Power of Being requires a lot of strength, because it allows to express the Strength of the Soul.
Then, as you give attention to the Soul, give much care and attention to the body, because in a strong body you can protect the Strength of the Soul, the sweetness of the heart.
A lot of strength is needed to accompany the Soul towards the Light, to express our Essence, to defend our Light, to bring Light, to give Love, to help.
If you live your Essence, you will discover how much strength there is in you, you will know and feel how your strength will allow the Power of Light to enter you, every day more.
With this new force, nothing you will fear, because you can feel My strength in you, you'll feel in body expression, the expression of the Power of the Soul.
Live in Love and Light, with humility keep your heart pure: so you can express only the Power of Light, of Love, the Power of the Soul.
Essence is a Power because it is part of the Light, and Light can everything.
This 'Power' has not the meaning you’ve known so far, that the world knows.
The Power of the Soul is the ability to act, is the expression of Being in all its entirety, greatness, luminosity.
The power of being is achieving the ability to rejoin the Whole, to merge with the Whole, to accept the Whole.
It is the ability to discern, to choose, to take decisions, to express, to act in Light and Love."


Can you help me to understand what is the Power of Being?


"With Love I will help you to rediscover it in you, to feel it in your heart, to live it fully.
If you live your Essence fully, if you combine your heart with My heart, your hand with My own, more than ever you will feel strong, you will feel the Power of your Soul, the Power of Being.
You will feel inside the Love that makes its ‘Power’ live, you will discover the great world that is inside you, you'll really feel the New is waiting for you.
And that's where you will find your Past wisdom, and that Love that accompanied your Path. And in that Love guess the New Love you're rediscovering with Me.
Keeping My hands, go into Nature as much as you can, even alone, to learn what it means to be alone and not feel alone.
At the beginning, imagine Me, and imagine that I take your hand, and then all comes naturally because you feel the true reality, that you don’t see yet, but you can already sense, love, knowing that you are approaching this reality.
Living your old and new expression, the Power of the Soul, you will also protect and defend Love, and the pearls of Love.
You will be able to go into your fears, accept your needs, observe all you sides, accept everything about yourself.
The Power of Being brings you to recognize your parts to love, to forgive, to understand, to let go, to express more.
It gives you compassion towards yourself and towards others.
And in compassion you observe everything, even your own Power. "


This can be helpful when I fear not to walk properly in my Path?


“Yes. If in that moment you do what I’m now telling you, you will be certain that not only your heart you will feel, but you also will feel My heart, and you will be able to transmit the Essence of My heart through your heart.
You will be serene, because you will be able to say:
– Now I can go and transmit the Essence of a heart that shines completely in the Light, the Essence of my Angel -.
So your heart will be able to convey Light, Love, my Essence.
When you meet someone, you will feel more than seeing, and in this way you will understand if you can donate your pearls there.
You’ll feel the strength of those who live their Essence without knowing it entirely, because the true strength is there: feeling you don’t understand anything, you don’t have the whole vision, the true knowledge, and still give yourself totally.
Each one has its own story, but the Luminous Path requires the same thing: loving.
Every journey is learning wisdom and this journey can be expressed in different ways, but always loving.
Every moment can be the beginning of a new expression, an expression of ancient wisdom.
This is the key: feel at the beginning of the conquest of the Love you've been dreaming of, that you’ve been searching for, a mission for which you walked very much, you've prepared a lot.
So you will discover the meaning of feeling in one’s own mission, and this is not what you understand with these words. You will discover what living your mission means, even if you don’t know it.
Slowly, I will donate you other awareness, about your being on a mission, feeling on a mission, knowing the Light of those who are on a mission to the Light.
Once again you will rediscover your being apparently alone, without feeling as such. You will feel to walk down a street alone, but feeling accompanied, protected, guided.
This is part of Love, a Love that embraces everything and everyone, a Love that is in everything and in all, which can be expressed to all, to everything.
Manifest your Essence with the Power of Being without any fear, without any limit.
Protect the pearl of your heart, your new knowledge, but also be able to donate them, share them, manifest them.
There will be many occasions and meetings where you will need to say:
– I’m this one, I believe in this, I love this, I chose to express, to live this - .
Walk serene, open to Love and smile: everything happens simply, faster than you can imagine now, and you will express the Power of Being.
If you're ready for what a situation requires you to live, to express, smile and live everything with joy.
But smile even when you don't feel ready, because that is a new learning for the New that you will live, it is experiencing a new expression for the new expression you will conquer.
Remember that if you keep your heart in Mine, if you will be fully open to My Love, you will express also My Essence.
So are you going to resurface your Essence, you will be increasingly able to express the Essence of Love, of Light, of yourself, and so you'll always be ready to live everything.
This is a Journey with many stops. Each stage is new and will bring to you something new, if your heart remains slight, wide open, joined to Mine.
Smile to what now you're living, you're giving, feeling on a mission, and so discover the meaning of the word mission.
Live in Love, in clarity, because in clarity Love grows.
Living with all your Being, with all the intensity in everything, you will feel inside of you your Power of Being
That's how you will find it out, and you’ll enjoy freedom, a continuous serenity, you’ll enjoy peace.
I used the word 'enjoy' because it is not about knowing, it is enjoying and being totally satisfied.”


How can I express The Power of Being, the Power of the Soul?


"To express the Power of Being around, with everyone, especially with ourselves, it is often necessary to dissolve things, let the needs go, face difficulties, challenges, to make choices that require a lot, to live with strength.
When you express the Power of Being, what you now feel like a difficulty, you will feel as one of the many things that are part of your Journey, lessons to learn, and nothing more.
Put all your commitment to live your Essence totally, to express the Power of Being.
So you will live in total freedom, your heart will be in peace, serene, completely satisfied, your Soul free.
Feel you win freedom, strength, beauty, grandeur, brilliance, the immensity of your Essence, so you will conquer the Power of Being, of the Soul, of Light, of Love.
It is with this Power that you will be able to live only for your Soul, accompany your Soul to your chosen destination, allow your Soul to live everything it chose.
It is with this Power that you’ll live continuously in the Light, in Love, and you’ll bring the Love of Heaven to Heart.
The Power of the Soul helps you regain your Essence, express your Light, regain true freedom, Love.
Not always what you know now as freedom and Love actually are.
You will conquer freedom and Love, partly because it will be a new freedom, a new Love; partly because you will regain them with the Love and freedom you've already lived.
And living in new freedom, with new Love, you’ll emanate happiness with the whole body, you’ll express brightness throughout the body, because they are not emotions, they are not expressions, but they are and will be part of you.
That is why happiness will be continued, whatever happens around you, inside of you, because you are a Luminous Soul, free in expressions, in everything, anywhere, with anyone.
That's how, living in humility, simplicity, you grow up.
Let go any fear of losing your personality, or something, or someone, while you're winning your freedom, because you will not lose anything, but you’ll get rid from it all to win the Whole, to savour the Whole.
So you’ll go beyond the satisfaction that you know now, that you want now, that you can imagine, you can dream of now.
Believe in yourself, as I believe in you.
Believe in your Light, and you'll love the Great Light even more.
Believe in your Power of the Soul, and you’ll recognize the Great Power even more: the Power of Light.
What at first may seem you a waiver, later will be a conquer, your steps toward freedom.
You will totally understand this just after making the choices, which, of course, require a letting go, and only after you have lived them.
With the Power of the Soul you will live in the world, you will walk in the world, and you will suffer no longer anything in the world, not even the power of the world.
With the Power of Soul you will express your Light, you will live in Love.
So, you will express no more the power of personality, a power that leads yourself and others to suffering, although sometimes, apparently, this doesn't seem.
Always be careful, always watchful, because while conquering the Power of the Soul, the risk of getting lost in ego, in pride once again, is very high.
But keeping your hand in Mine, walking in humility, living in simplicity, this can't happen. "


Can you tell me about personality?


"Imagine a great castle with many rooms, with the doors open. Then see you in this castle, going from room to room.
You can understand that, even if you move from one room to another, in fact this castle imprisons you. This is personality.
Many people feel free to be able to do what they want, to say what they want, when in fact they have many prisons.
These may be feelings, needs, desires, projects, illusions, and constructions made by personality.
Listen to this feeling of being imprisoned there, in this castle, and you will do anything to get out of it.
You won’t see it as a beautiful castle any more, you won’t see it as a shelter, protection, safety, any more but only as a prison.
You will feel that you want to be free to love, to live really. "


These rooms in the Castle, are maybe all things that I consider important now?


"Not only and not always.
Personality created many other rooms. The rooms are also what prevents you from living firstly the union with the Universe, with all and Everything.
What prevents the Soul to be free, what prevents to follow the Soul first.
But now don’t think and don’t say:
– It's all wrong, I don't know anything, or I know is wrong.
With serenity you can say:
– Maybe something, maybe everything is an illusion. Now I free my Essence, I leave my Soul free, I follow my Soul first of all - .
By doing so you'll find the rooms that you don't know, you will come out from the Castle, you will live. "


When you tell me to let my personality go, I am afraid I have to act like someone else ...


"Everyone is a flower with its colours, with its scent. Emanating one’s own perfume does not require words, actions, but simply it exudes.
No one must imitate somebody else, because this would be an illusion too, the creation of other walls, simply by changing the type of bricks.
Each one exudes its own essence anywhere, with anyone, without interruption: this is freedom. "


By letting go my personality, I'm afraid of losing my individuality.


"These fears are still there because your Essence is imprisoned.
In a Luminous path you'll be never asked to accept other people's beliefs, but simply to expand your Essence, to listen to the voice of your Soul, that does not create beliefs because what the Soul says, feels, it is not something of the mind.
It is learning to feel, to understand, to learn, with the heart free, healed, it is leaving the Soul free to express itself, to live the journey chosen.
Don’t give space to the fear of losing your personality, give it to Me. Feel you're capturing your individuality, expressing your Essence, and rejoice for this.
When you take off an armour, celebrate, and feel that this did not protect you, but it stopped you from receiving and give Light and Love.
When you take off a dress of the personality, celebrate, and feel that this did not repair you but covered your Essence.
When you see the Castle created by your personality fall, celebrate, and discover that it was not a protection, but a prison.
In all this intensely believe, because to remove armours, clothes, to bring down your Castle, you need a great belief and all the intensity in the act.
This is because only when you are outside the castle, devoid of all clothing, of armours, you will savour the joy of being able to run free in the meadows as a girl, to feel the rays of Light, Love in the heart, the thrill of the free Soul.
And remember that if you want, I will help you, we will do all together. "


What is needed to take out what my ‘self’ has built?


"You need a big Belief, a profound choice, and your strength.
With My Love I will accompany you in finding your Essence, and I will help you to fully express it.
Ask Me to give you My strength, to be stronger in removing what holds your Essence, to conquer your Essence faster.
In the intense moments, in not simple situations, think these could be great aids that I'm bringing to remove everything very quickly.
They can also be small things, because the subtle side of personality is part of something invisible, and is made up of little things.
When the 'self' is touched, or a small part of your Castle is taken off, you can feel that moment as very strong, but then you feel a great joy and you’ll be serene.
Be careful to everything, at all times, even when you feel that everything is fluid.
Be careful to every situation, even those where you don't see anything important in your path, because just those moments, those things, those situations could allow you to discover a lot, to learn and grow quickly.
Ask Me to help you and be watchful in all things to see what there is to be transformed, to be removed, to let go, or what there is to strengthen.
The 'self' has also a subtle side. Ensure that discovering this subtle side is a moment of joy, because after discovering the subtle side of the ‘self’, you can remove it, and thus you can perceive the subtle light of your Essence, and of everything around you.
When there is a moment of fear, say aloud:
– Who knows how I will be, how bright will be my Essence, when all I light up –.
And the girl who likes to explore, venture, and that will lead you to the goal, who will make you free will move within you.
But, of course, to these questions that you will express in those moments of fear, you don't have to give answers with your mind, because this would make your baby sleep.
Recognise your 'self' or the subtle side of your 'self', with the joy of being able to recognize it, melt it in Love, with total compassion. "


Will I be able to recognise my prisons?


"With joy I will help you in this.
It is possible to recognise all the prisons when there is a choice to recognise them, the humility to accept them.
Once recognized, remember to get out of them quickly.
When you are in a prison, even if the door is open, probably there isn’t a long time to get out, because it can happen in a moment that the door closes.
And also getting out is a choice.
Be humble in acknowledging your prisons, get out quickly, because going out is always your choice, it will always be your choice.
I am beyond the door, ready to hug you. "


How can I transform what my personality has built?


"Imagine you have a building in front of you.
See you taking with Me this building blocks, one by one, see My hands turning these bricks with Light, to create a new building.
It is a work that you've already started, inadvertently, with the Awakening, that is why you must not fear.
It is a work that can be transformed into a game, so that it won’t require any effort, it will not create burden.
When you have finished the new building, inside you everything will be flowery, strengthened, and I will seal all.
I call it work just because you may feel like an important commitment, a commitment that requires your presence, the awareness of being there, the focus in doing everything.
But while you do everything, you will feel only the lightness of a new freedom, the lightness that accompanies the expression of the Essence, and you'll feel it as a beautiful game.
I don’t tell you to not throw away what belongs to the construction of your personality, because it will be the same bricks that will create something indestructible, after we have processed them together with Light, wrapped them with Love.
This always happens in a Journey of Awakening.
That is why it is essential to be able to take in hand one’s pearls even when they are covered by mud, not just by the dust. Only taking them in hand it is possible to clean them up, to include them in our treasure and then donate them.
Those who don’t have courage to get their hands in the mud, picking the pearls, although they are flooded by so many things, cannot make them shine, and make their treasures shine and so they cannot donate them.
Every time you make this game imagine that every brick becomes bright to build a bright building.
In this way you’ll be able to make your pearls shine.
And you won’t fear to take them in hand, although they are not glowing.
That's how it happens, the great transformation that, then, is sealed, and nothing and nobody can bring things back as before.
Those who don’t want to watch their construction, accept it as a choice, or perhaps brought from the Past Lives, cannot rejoice, because everything must be transformed, and, although there are parts to let go, there is always something that only must be lit that becomes, then, a wealth to be donated.
With humility you will be able to look every part of you, with the necessary awareness, with the necessary Love, you must remove the bricks with the happiness to have the ability to transform them.
This work never ends, because, when you think you have cleaned out the castle of your personality, you discover the foundations.
But, gradually, we become stronger and stronger, more joyful, more rich, because just transforming a single brick we already have something to donate.
As you are not aware of what you've already removed, already transformed, since wrapped by Light, by My Love, so you're not going to find it hard to transform everything now consciously, because in you there is a lot of strength, and I'm giving you My strength, because in you there is a lot of Light, which, together with My Light, will transform everything."


Can personality also create difficulties in relationships?


"Certainly yes.
Personality creates a lot of difficulties in relationships.
As long as personality is there, a lot is experienced with the mind, a lot is done for one’s own desires or needs, we are driven by our fears, diversity of others is difficult to be accepted, we don’t leave everyone totally free.
When you meet a heart, you can be attracted by a part of its Essence that can awaken the same part that is already in you, but is covered by your personality.
Be very careful because you can express that Essence yourself, and you can, with confidence, help that heart to express it.
But don't go too far when you meet a heart that does not attract you, because maybe, you can help it to extract its bright Essence, perhaps for what it makes you feel, it can be a help to overcome many things, win in many things.
Even there, you need serenity, simplicity, purity, gentleness, Love.
And be careful, vigilant, because it may happen that a heart that you meet can't help you in anything, since it has not chosen to express its Essence, even with your help, and that can be a danger, because it could tarnish your Light, awaken a part of your personality already released.
Sometimes there are parts of one's personality that attract situations or people that can be dangerous.
That's why, when you manifest only your Essence, your pace will be joyful and confident, and you will live all the relationships happily. "


I am afraid to remove these parts from my personality, because I feel like undressing myself...


"Remember, for everybody who has the courage to undress to express who he/she is, we create the garments that shelter more than armours, more than shields, giving our total protection.
Don't worry, you won't feel cold, nothing will happen that can hurt you.
Believe in this intensely and get through this fear.
Live serenely with the joy of finally being able to express who you are, and you will shine in your Essence, don’t fear any judgement, you will discover how good it feels to wear Our garments only.
Give Me your fear and listen to your heart.
Feel that there is nothing to fear, because letting go personality is gaining freedom, is collecting a lot, it allows to shine totally, and makes you rejoice. "


I recognized my personality, I accepted it and I'm trying to let it go, but I feel that behind it there is a subtle side that is creating confusion.


"Give Me this confusion and ask Me to help you.
Remember that those who are certain that their heart is filled with treasures, do not want the treasures of others, don’t watch the shape, colours, the brightness of the treasures of other people and have only one desire: to help others to discover their treasures.
That's why discovering our treasures gives rise to the desire to love, to help.
Think about this, and be certain that with Me beside you will discover this subtle side serenely, you will accept it, you will transform it in joy, with Love.
This is a step that requires a lot of attention, a pure heart, and be detached from everything.
If you come to this stage, you are even more ready to let go all the old knowledge and achievements, because now you understand that you don't need them anymore, and that they had their time.
With this knowledge, you can leave more time and space to your inner Girl, so she can play and help other hearts to make room and time to their inner Children.
And the magic happens just when all the subtle side was transformed, and the Child that is in you has plenty of space to hang out in all her beauty, to donate all her wisdom.
Remember that this Girl that will fascinate, will take you to your destination, enjoying and playing.
Discover this subtle side with enthusiasm, and you will transform it rejoicing, singing, because you'll feel you're gaining freedom.
And these steps will be light, they won’t require any fatigue, and you will make them alone in the sweetness, in loving kindness, in joy. So the enthusiasm to continue your journey will grow even more.
Discovering the subtle side, dissolving it and transforming it, complete the work of transformation, of healing, of enlightenment.
Think of the farmer who prepares the ground for the seeds, for the flowers: when he needs tools, sharp spade, the earth turns and turns, if there are brushwood he removes them, if there are rocks he extracts them.
Then, when all is settled, with his hands the way he prepared, he returns again with his hands in the earth, but this time only to make room for seeds, to smooth the ground, so that the flower grows easily.
Those who digged, plowed, removed, arrived here, where you are now, and going back with hands on earth should not make you think, or fear to make the same effort, to meet the same difficulties known during plowing.
That touching the ground again will be sweet, will create only the pleasure to create a place so that the flower grows easily.
In this stage you need a lot of intuition, a bright feel, cleaned from other feelings and sensations, and be detached from everything. "


Can personality obfuscate my feeling?


"Yes, of course.
It is not easy to have the feeling, the real sense.
They require a heart free from everything.
Only if personality was asleep, has gone, you can feel the reality, live your Essence.
Personality can obfuscate the reality and make believe I guessed right, while I’m far from reality.
Keeping the heart always candid, leaving room for inner Kids, simple, joyful, walking in humility, you get to pure feel, to real insight. "


Beloved Soul,

understanding that there are things to be transformed, to enlighten, parts of personalities to let go, could trick you into thinking that something of you is not good.
It is absolutely not so, you're already beautiful because you are a Divine Spark. Simply the Angels help us understand what to do to shine in all our beauty, manifest and live fully our bright Essence.
Often this is covered by our personality, stifled by our ego.
We are all Souls, then Divine Sparks, parts of the Great Light.
As Souls, we have our individual Essence, resplendent with all the treasures collected from life to life, precious for all the wisdom and talents acquired in the journey done.
Becoming incarnate on this planet, our Soul chooses to make this journey without giving us immediately the awareness of who we are, and the knowledge we discover later, with Awakening. This, to live what we have chosen to live, to learn new lessons, to make new achievements, among so many limits.
With the Awakening we find that in fact there are no limits, we recognize the great potential of the Soul that allows us to go beyond these limits, helping us to live as Luminous Souls.
What on the surface may seem an obstacle, a difficulty, becomes an opportunity for growth, a possibility of evolution.
And the main obstacle, the greatest difficulty to be overcome, are ourselves, with our personality, the ego, and with our 'self’ who wants to impose itself everywhere ...
Personality is made by the set of notions that we have gained from the world and in the world, since birth, often far from the knowledge of the Soul.
It includes behaviours learned over years, defence techniques, protections, especially created after some trauma, some suffering.
With them we believe to avoid other sufferings, to protect us from everything, from everyone, while, in reality, we are preventing our inner Children to express themselves and to live spontaneously, in simplicity, in freedom.
The personality creates the wiles, the so called 'games', we use with have certain people beside us, to get what we want, to create benefits.
Also these 'games', in fact, prevent our inner Children to live, to play, to rejoice.
We know how easy it is to manipulate and make us manipulate with these 'tricks - games’.
In fact, we tie and make us tie, by possessiveness, needs, fears of being alone, by fears of losing what we have, not to receive what others could give us.
Many of our behaviours are influenced by the reactions that we have towards the environment in which we live, the difficulties we meet.
Personality is the collection of many 'bricks' with which we have built, and we continue to build, things, situations, that we feel safe for the present and guarantees for the future.
Only after we leave them, we understand completely as they can be prisons.
Much of all this we are taught, a lot we learn with what we live.
A lot is imprinted us by society directly or indirectly, with comfortable examples of life, of successful leaders in various fields, political, economic, scientific, religious, etc.
So our mind makes us chase what we think to be necessary, indispensable, while often it is not. The mind urges us to imitate ways of life and these leaders, while our Soul leads us to express our Essence, and live the way we feel right for us.
This is the limited mind, conditioned by all it has learned, by everything that has been inculcated, it is not the mind intended as the ability to understand, discover, guess.
That's why the Angels teach us to learn with the heart, to feel more than understand, to dismiss this limited mind to give space to the heart, to the wisdom of the Soul.
For direct and indirect experience, I met many of the 'armours' that we wear to defend ourselves, the ‘clothes’ we wear to hide and how often we try to conceal something of us behind some ' veils’.
We realize all this, only when we remove them.
So we find out how everything, instead of repairing us, prevents the sun's rays to warm our hearts, instead of protecting us, prevents us from receiving, from donating.
We are really ‘builders’ of walls, sometimes we also use steel ... We believe these are unshakable protections, but actually they are prisons that prevent us from walking free, that prevent others from getting closer to us, walking with us.
During the journey of growth, there may be the risk of replacing the 'self’ of our personality with the ' spiritual self’.
It can bring us to feel superior to others for the knowledge we have learned, it can make us feel more advanced, we can believe to be only teachers and pupils no longer. This ‘self’ is much more dangerous than the one we left.
I am still baffled when I happen to see facts or situations which confirm how strong personality is.
It seems to disappear, instead is always lurking, ready to go out when you least expect it, when we are sure to have released it.
The more we walk in the Light, the more we need to be vigilant, attentive to our personality, our ego, and even more to our mind, because it too becomes more proficient and creates subtle ways to assert itself.
There is also the risk to use the knowledge of the Path of Growth to enter the intimate part of people who still do not know them, to look what you are not, to circumvent, to get what you want.
Our responsibility here is total, because it is knowingly abusing the knowledge of the Soul.
But if we give space to our inner Children, walk in humility, we help with Love and simply, there will be no risk, because the Kids are white, simple, spontaneous, they don’t listen to mind, they give space to the heart, and live all playing.
There will be no risks if we give the hand to our Angels and ask them to help us understand when and where we give space to personality, the ego, the 'self’
There won’t be any risks if we keep our hearts pure, open to Love, if we free our Soul, if we are willing to all the changes needed to follow it.
If we do this, our personality will not return, and our Essence will bloom, will shine, will give off its fragrance.
So we will walk serene, we will live in joy, in peace.

Author: Satya

Extract from the book: I am beside you

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:

Author's Bio: 

Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.