When you begin to shop for an exercise bike, you discover just how many there are to choose from. There is no doubt that the selection is great, and it will take a bit of knowledge in order to make a decision. Among the various types of exercise bikes are the Recumbent bikes and the spin bikes.

Recumbent Bikes

The feature of the recumbent bike is a large bucket seat, which offers comfort and ease while exercising. The recumbent bike allows the individual the ability to sit back, lower to the ground and pedal with ease. This is considered an ideal bike for beginners and sedentary persons.

The features of the recumbent bike include:

Various fitness levels therefore are good for every level exerciser.

Variety of workout programs.

Bucket seats.

Various benefits for men and women.

Ease of use.

Provides easier exercise for the overweight person.

Working the upper body is also possible.


Benefits of the recumbent bike for men

Most exercise regimen for men concentrates on the upper body and arms. The result is the large biceps and a lean stomach, and small little bird legs. When exercising on the recumbent bike, men not only get a workout to their upper body but build the muscles in their legs, as well. They are also able to adjust resistance level as they begin to endure more.

Benefits of the recumbent bike for women

Women typically gain their weight on the bottom, stomach and legs. The advantage of the recumbent bike for woman, is all these areas receive a workout. Women can adjust the resistance to make an effective cardio workout and burn the fat that is necessary to lose weight and tone up. By using the different programs and setting women are also able to burn the fat in their inner thighs.

The spin bikes are bikes that are programmed to give the user more than just the regular exercising appeal. The programs simulate real terrains such as long distance, measured pace cycling or uphill drives, long distance, and so on.

Benefits of the spin bike

Spin bikes are known to last a lifetime with just minimum maintenance.

One hour of cycling a day easily burns up to 600 calories.

Exercising on the spin bike also tones quadriceps and hamstrings making it a very popular bike.

The bike has a heart rate monitor that lets you know how good your cardiovascular function is.

The exertion levels or resistance levels of a spin bike range from 0 resistance to 20 which is similar to riding your bike up a hill.

The spin bike has different programs which simulate regular cycling, sprints, riding up a hill and so on.

Exercisers have three positions to choose from during their work out. There is a forward, center and rear level. Each works out specific muscles and parts of the body.

Exercise bikes do provide the cardiovascular exercise that is vital for each of us to maintain a healthy body.

There is a difference among bikes, and getting to know them is definitely an advantage.

Author's Bio: 

Recumbent bikes and exercise bikes from the preferred source, Fitness Choice.