The Biofield - your vital energy under threat
Three articles over this and the next two issues explore what the biofield is, how vital its strength is to our wellbeing, how it can be threatened by the technologies around us and what we can do to maintain our vitality and energy in the face of them.
Your energetic self
To understand subtle energy fields we first need to be aware that we are all energy beings. E=MC2, Einstein’s discovery in 1925, demonstrates that ultimately everything in the universe is pure energy, differing only in rate of vibration. Atoms consist of sub-atomic particles which at their core are comprised of pure energy. Physical matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. So each of us is in essence a cluster of particles of vibrating energy.
It is known that our physical universe is electromagnetic in nature and that the human body is an electro-magnetic organism. Every living cell in your body produces its own electrical charge with its own frequency and natural resonance. The wide range of electromagnetic frequencies produced by the life processes in the human body can be detected by sensitive scientific instruments.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment, which record the electrical activity of the heart and the brain, are standard tools for medical diagnosis. The strong pulsating magnetic field produced by the electrical activity of the heart muscle, when measured by a SQUID magnetometer, can be detected in front of and behind the body to a distance of 15 feet.
Doctors use electromagnetic fields to heal us. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is used to treat bone fractures which have not mended. PEMF “jumpstarts” a stalled healing process.
Science has established that the human body is an electro-magnetic organism. This is not of itself the biofield. The biofield - or bio-energy field - is a highly complex lattticework of invisible subtle energy fields which both permeate and surround us.
Long before Einstein and the theories of quantum physics, the existence of energy fields was understood by many cultures around the world. In India it is called Prana, in China Qi or Chi, and in Japan Ki. In 1994, the National Institute of Health in the United States adopted the name the biofield to describe the energy field around the human body.
Dr Yury Kronn, a world renowned physicist and expert in this area says, “In the language of modern science [the biofield] is an energy that is not identical with electromagnetic energy. It is a subtle energy that plays the role of ‘software’ for human processes on all levels, physical, emotional and mental. It is an energetic communication system for those processes.”
The structure of the biofield is made up of a network of meridians, which are conduits for the flow of subtle energy, and a number of chakras, the subtle energy centres whose job it is to regulate the physical functions of the body .
Dr. Joie Jones of the University of California proved the existence and effect of the biofield on and in the human body. Using cutting edge scientific scanning equipment, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), he found that when the acupuncture point of the toe known to influence vision is stimulated, a signal is actually sent to the visual cortex of the brain. He also noted that the signal from the toe to the brain travels a thousand times faster than a signal sent through the eyes to the brain.
Russian scientist Dr Konstantin Korotkov has developed a device to enable direct analysis of the human energy field. Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) scanning equipment makes it possible to analyse the condition of the energy centres (chakras) as well as the energetic status of the organs and systems of the body.
To summarise, the biofield:
Is made up of subtle energy and is non-electromagnetic in nature
Is able to influence the molecular structure of physical matter
Influences the human body through the body's sophisticated energetic structure.
Your energy system is open
So we are an electromagnetic organism with a subtle energy biofield. We are also an open energy system, which means we are continuously exchanging energy with all living things and the environment. We have all encountered people whose presence can either elate or depress us. In today’s world our energy is challenged in many ways. Chemical pollution, stress, lack of nutrients in our food and other destructive factors damage our physiology and deplete our natural energy system. When our biofield is compromised by these influences, we are out of balance. Disease, fatigue and apathy all reflect a compromised biofield. See accompanying GDV images of biofields.
Your vital energy under threat
One of the most critical challenges to our biofield comes from our environment. Electricity, electronic technologies and particularly the explosion in wireless communication in recent years has significantly changed the environment in which we live. Man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs), a product of the electronic age, are everywhere. They are subtle, silent and invisible. We are surrounded by electro-pollution.
There is widespread and growing concern among scientists and many others that the level of electromagnetic exposure we experience may be causing us harm. Our bodies are wonderful receivers and transmitters of electro-magnetic frequencies. You may have noticed that, if your radio signal is poor, when you hold the antenna, your body will receive the frequency, like an aerial, and improve the reception. Electro-pollution compromises our biofield.
Clinical studies around the world have linked electro-pollution to serious health problems such as diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. To find out more about the concerns scientists have and to understand your options for maintaining vitality and wellbeing read part two of this article next week.
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Lucy Blyth is a Director of Phiharmonics Ltd. A personal trainer, yoga fanatic and concerned parent.
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