This article is about biblical faith. Faith is so beautiful because it is the thing that makes all things possible. Many people have their own concept of faith but the only true faith is biblical. Faith is the knowledge that God can do whatever he wants to and that he is working in your favor. The bible describes faith as a substance. It is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for. When we hope for a thing we believe that it will be physically manifested in our lives. Faith knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that it can be done.
The thing that confuses the natural mind is the fact that faith is a substance but it is not physical. It is spiritual and non tangible in that we can’t hold it, feel it or taste it. Faith is a substance which I liken to invisible gasoline. You can’t see it but it powers everything that happens.
Everything that we do is flavored in our faith. I once read about a conqueror who landed and then had his ships burned. This eliminated all possibility of retreating. He had the confidence in his troops that they could conquer the territory. I don’t know whether they had the faith to believe it or not but one thing that they did know was that they were going to have to succeed or die. Faith doesn’t tell you that the road will be easy and that you won’t have some days when you will just want to die. If you are human you will have many of those days before you depart this earth. Faith gives you the positive assurance that if you just keep moving in the desired direction you will eventually make it to your destination. You may not win each battle but faith doesn’t say that you will. Faith guarantees that you will win the war. Faith doesn’t guarantee that life will be easy at all and it doesn’t guarantee you a place on a throne. Faith guarantees victory over the situation and the world.
The bible talks about a man named Steven who was stoned to death. His last dying words were to ask the Lord not to hold it against the people who were stoning him. Steven had more faith in the God that he saw in heaven than he did in the fact that he was being stoned to death. His focus was not on the thing which was happening in the natural realm but in the heavenly vision that he saw. This looks like a defeat to the natural mind but it is really a victory. It’s a victory because he was not affected by his circumstances. Faith looks past the circumstances into the next realm.
Faith people may seem strange to regular people. True faith will take you past your circumstances and whatever situation that you may happen to be in. Faith is not a guess, it is knowledge. True faith comes from experience. It is not something that just happens because you say that you believe.
Our faith is proven by the actions that we take. Our actions are the substance because we move out on what we believe. This substance actually becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The way that we behave eventually determines our lot in life. Our defeat or victory is determined by our actions, not our circumstances. The homeless person has just as much opportunity as the rich person. The difference is that the homeless person has to look carefully for that opportunity and take full advantage of it when it comes. He has to be extra careful because it won’t come as often, but if he moves out in faith it will pay off.
What kind of faith do you have? Riceland Enterprises
Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprisesof several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express, and Fragrance Oil Express
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