Your physical and spiritual bodies should be in balance so that you will have an optimal learning experience while on Earth. Balance in this connotation is not staying upright and being able to walk a straight line, but rather keeping your chakras open to receive the universal life force. Understanding and using the light that surrounds you is a key to providing energy balance throughout your body.

Your body is surrounded by energy that appears in different colors. Many people can actually see this energy which is referred to as an aura. The colors in your aura should be clear and bright and will change throughout the day depending on your mood, feelings, or mind set. Some of you who are holding onto anger and pain may have dark or muddy colors. Your aura will remain muddy until your state of negativity and suppressed emotions, fears and pain are released back into the universe.

Picture your chakras as whirling colors of bright energy that act as gateways for the intake of life source energy. If any chakra is blocked you can feel unbalanced or unwell. Below are the color and location of each chakra and an abbreviated explanation of how a blocked chakra can make you feel.

• The Root or Base Chakra is red and located at the base of the spine. This chakra assists with tasks related to the material and physical world. When blocked you may feel fatigue, have lower back pain, or frequent colds.
• The Spleen Chakra is orange and located below the naval in the lower abdomen. The Spleen Chakra connects us to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. When blocked you may experience asthma, allergies, urinary problems or sensuality issues.
• The Solar Plexus Chakra is yellow and located above the naval in the stomach area. This chakra balances intellect and ego power. If blocked you may have digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, or nervousness.
• The Heart Chakra is green and located in the center of the chest. It controls relationships, love, forgiveness and compassion. If blocked you may experience heart and breathing disorders, high blood pressure, or muscular tension.
• The Throat Chakra is blue and is located in the throat area. The throat chakra controls expressing oneself and one’s beliefs, trust, and loyalty. If blocked you may experience thyroid imbalance, swollen glands, fevers and infections.
• The Third Eye Chakra is indigo and is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyes. It controls trusting one’s intuition and insights and developing one’s psychic abilities. If blocked you may have mouth, jaw, tongue, neck and shoulder problems, hyperactivity or hormonal disorders.
• The Crown Chakra is purple and is located at the top of the head. It controls our knowingness, dedication to the divine consciousness and trusting the universe. If blocked you can experience headaches, photosensitivity, neuralgia, right/left brain disorders and coordination problems.

To keep your aura bright and clear, work with the chakra colors. Each day pick a color and confirm your intention to be aware throughout your day. Often, we subconsciously choose which color and hence which chakra we should actively balance. If the color of your clothes and the food choices you make throughout the day are all one color this can be a subtle hint that a certain chakra needs some attention. Pay attention to these signs because they are like an early warning system. Throughout your day as you take note of your chosen color, say to yourself, “I release all fear, pain and repressed emotions with love into the universe. “

Chakra balancing is especially good during meditation because you can focus your energy more easily. To start, slowly examine each chakra to determine if it could use a little more attention than a general balancing exercise. If extra attention is needed, visualize the chakra color and ask “what will bring this chakra into balance?” Focus on resolving the blockage. Examine your emotions, your thoughts, your fears and allow yourself to affirm your awareness of the issue. Infuse the chakra with bright white light and then consciously release the suppressed energy back into the universe. In some cases this cannot be accomplished during one meditation session. You should not worry about that; instead know that with each meditation you are working towards total release.

Each meditation should include a review of your chakras. If extra chakra work is not needed, start your review with your base chakra. Focus on the color, which in this case is red and with clear intent say “My base chakra is in balance and can receive the love of the universe.” Move up through each chakra repeating the same process.

Several good books have been written about chakras and I recommend that you check in your library, bookstore, or on electronic media to learn more.

Author's Bio: 

I have been a healthcare professional and consultant for several decades. I work with people undergoing life changes and have had the opportunity to learn a great deal from attending professional workshops with Dr. Bennie Segal and Dr. Irving Oyle. Both doctors have had great success helping people undergoing major life change, and in particular Dr Segal's work with cancer patients.

For the last 25 years, I have been dedicated to spiritual growth and learning to live with my spirit fully realized. I am assisted by a spiritual guide, in the angelic realms, called Madea.

Through automatic writing, Madea and I work closely together to create material designed to offer inspiration and guidance as you walk your spiritual path.

I invite you to learn more about your own spiritual path by reading my newest book, Spiritual Novice, Begin the Journey.
