Information through the medium Sabine Sangitar from March 9, 2011

Before the fall of Lucifer an enormous field existed in which many lights worked. Through Lucifer's fall and because of the hail of comets following his violent explosion this field was pulled into the depths. One part of this field remained in the divine Reality. The rest was removed from the magnetic lines. At the end of the day 389 own planets with their own energy formed, but they are all connected. Basically these 389 planets are a huge field. For this reason the beings of the other planets are very similar to us and subject to the same laws.

All 389 planets have to ascend again for the perfect sound to ring out. All 389 planets have to return to the magnetic fields. The first 12 planets that ascend are very important. When they have ascended there will be a chain reaction and other planets will be raised as well.

The planet Landras

The first of the 389 planets has already carried out its ascension. This planet is called Landras and is now in the adaptation phase. The solar system of Landras is not far away from us. The time window of Landras was 2007, in 2011 the ascension took place.

On Landras many things are very similar to what we know. On Landras there are the same laws. The beings have organs and a body that has formed. They know Lemuria, the promise, the oldest frequency, the various frequencies, the various epochs. Thus God sent something onto each planet that we call Christ or Jesus or Son of God. On Landras the name is God's Pearl.

The beings on Landras resemble us very much. Some abilities are more highly developed than ours, others again less. The beings there also received good training. It is all very similar to here with us.

I speak with the medium Norina from Landras and other beings very, very much about the ascension of their planet. Norina also belongs to the oldest frequency there. It is highly interesting what I am being told. I would like to share this with you.

The ascension

Before the ascenion the beings on Landras felt, the way we do too, that time is running very fast. What used to be one hour now feels like half an hour. This feeling that everything is going incredibly fast, everything manifests very fast, is the same with us.

Norina told me that something very special changed after the time window of 2007, and they took everything even more seriously. From 2007 an enormously higher number of beings opened themselves for spirituality more. The beings on Landras were already very far advanced in their consciousness. In order to prepare for the ascension they already changed their living situations before the ascension and founded big communities sharing homes. This helped them very much. The planet is not as densely populated as ours. Many so-called speakers, spokespersons and healers got together in order to live and work together.

The ascension was initiated with the perfect sound and there was an enormous earth quake on Landras, just as it is going to happen here. There are no volcanos there, consequently there was no volcanic eruption and no possible darkness that might be caused by ash. Through the perfect sound the Lucifer energy was transformed. Everything that was still necessary was transformed. Almost all the old structures collapsed. Nothing is as it once was.

The awakening of each being happened very suddenly, very quickly. When the perfect sound rang out they felt it to be, against what they had imagined, very unpleasant. It began to vibrate and became louder and louder. This sound became so extreme that the beings on the planet were not able to stand any more and knelt down for as long as it lasted. At the same time they fell into a deep trance during which there was a standstill for 9 minutes of our time. During this time each single being, whether spiritual ot not, had an inner view. It was able to see itself, from its creation through all the incarnations and in each epoch. Thus everybody had the possibility to feel a deep awakening, even if he had been sleeping before. Then the trance eased off. There was no forgetting because of the trance, each being was aware of itself, knew what had happened. Now they carry the realization and the awakening in themselves.

How the children experienced the ascension there is also an interesting answer. Several nights before the ascension the babies did not sleep any more. It was easier for the children. They also had an inner view, but as it is with most of the children of the new age, they were very happy about it.

On Landras there are also Lightpioneers, just as with us. They call themselves the forerunners. Just like us they were trained and prepared in their way. Even they were surprised that the ascension took place so fast although they were able to feel that something is happening. Various beings told me that even the best trained beings had problems with the energetic appearances and light figures that they were suddenly able to see. It was a lot all at once that took place in a very short time.

The adaptation phase

After the inner view total chaos broke out. The planet ascended and all beings unavoidably awakened. But many did not have the embedded patterns that you receive through spiritual development. When a being has an inner view and suddenly knows that everything it has heard about spirituality and the ascension is true it wants to be trained as quickly as possible in its dawning of consciousness. That is the biggest problem there at the moment, for the dawning of consciousness there is not enough "staff". That is a big challenge for the forerunners there. Because the ascension arrived so surprisingly and the crush is great they have now been fetched into the lightship of Adonai Ashtar Sheran. There they are prepared and trained once more in order to return to the planet then to support the many beings in the dawning of consciousness.

That is why one can imagine what it means when the spiritual world says: The real work begins for us Pioneers after the ascension. In the adaptation phase, in which they now are, each being has the opportunity to expand, to adapt and to stabilize the awakening. The feeling for time has not changed there, but they got a different awareness for everything. For them time is not so important any more after the ascension. They are in the adaptation phase now and they direct their focus to raising all beings in their energy, to expand them and to do their work.

Now they are trying to establish a new order on Landras, and new technologies are being used. There are many forerunners who are often in the Ashtar ship and store knowledge and new technologies. We also have many Pioneers who do this. When Landras awakened as planet this new technology was released very quickly. They are now creating new technologies which is happening very fast because of their training and may not be so easily imaginable for us. Norina has spoken much about the new technology and about the importance of the embeddings and connecting the aspects. That is something that with hindsight they see as the most important thing: The embedding of the energies from the divine Reality. Only now do they know how important it was. In the moment in which the perfect sound rings out the knowledge is released and everything goes incredibly fast.

Currently 80 percent of the Arcturians who normally work on Mother Earth have travelled to Landras in order to do their work there. Beings are needed who can travel into the interior of the planet in order to carry out stabilizations of the energy and the consciousness. At the same time this energy is tied to the planetary grid through which Landras cannot drop in the energy.

Should a being doubt what it has perceived in the trance, then all of it is transformed immediately. Nothing happens unconsciously any more. The beings do not fall back into the intellect any more. In the moment of the awakening the soul aspect was connected with the other aspects. The soul is decisive for everyting. A very high love vibration now exists on the planet.

The beings on Landras breathe prana more and see this as a matter of course as they already did this before the ascension.

What does the ascension of the planet Landras mean for us?

The beings on Landras know that all the other planets, and we too, felt the ascension. Physically it may have been perceived as extreme dizziness and tiredness or as confusion. It is also possible that you felt a deep yearning or euphoria. At all events, we all felt it. Only we were not able to connect it with the happening because we did not know of it.

The ascension of the first planet has consequences for us all. The first step is the most important one. At the moment we are in eleventh place for the ascesnion with the earth. But Norina says as so much is happening here at the moment, also with regard to the opening of the gates of Lentos, the Eleua Energy, the Prosonodo Light, it is quite possible that we will be in fifth or fourth place soon. She says we are moving our consciousness very, very fast and that the time window is named depending on consciousness. With them it was 2007, with us it is 2012. For other planets there is also a time window of 2019. But depending on how the consciousness rises the time window changes.


Author's Bio: 

Sabine Sangitar Wenig is a clairaudient medium who, after many years of preparation for her current task, has founded 'Kryonschool - Spiritual Course of Awakening'.
In addition to her regular work for Kryonschool she gives a public channeling in Rosenheim, Germany, once a month which is also published on the Kryonschool website.