One of the best things you could do to prepare your children for the prospect of death is to discuss about it with them ahead of time. It is important that you teach your kids that dying is merely an aspect of one’s life and at one point or another you and your children would be faced with death. So it is essential to help them be comfortable with the issue. Some cultures in fact welcome and embrace the subject of dying and can see it as an opportunity for new life and re-birth. Your approach to the subject may differ a little depending on your spiritual beliefs.

It is very significant that you really consider your emotional and spiritual beliefs about dying and death and come to entirely embrace them before even opening the topic with your kids. This would assist you facilitate a more clear-cut and impacting discussion when the time comes to converse about death and dying. Here are some tips for introducing the topic with your children. 1.) Acknowledge your own emotions and feelings. In order for your kids to accept dying, you must first come to terms with it. Take some time to evaluate and examine your own emotions and be more comfortable with the topic before introducing it with your children.

Children are very sensitive and they may likely to pick up on your emotional cues about death, hence, if you are not comfortable with the subject, they are likely to be, too. 2.) Try talking with your children about the Cycle of Life. Bear in mind to keep the conversation light and easy initially, offering your children adequate opportunities to ask questions. Consider talking about dying and death with them at a time that you could naturally mix and blend it into part of your conversation. Consider an instance when the leaves change colors in the fall, and then die off only to grow back during spring time.

3.) Be honest and open about feelings. It is very helpful that you let your children know and understand that death could be sad, and let them know that you’re also sad if that happens. Several parents have a natural instinct to guard and shield their children from the grief and sorrow related with dying, but this could actually be harmful. It is essential that kids learn how to express themselves honestly and openly and let them learn how to release their feelings and emotions if necessary. Instead of focusing on the emotional or spiritual aspects of dying and death, they might want to know more about the technicalities, such as how a person is buried and where you will go.

Just remember when teaching children about dying and death, their initial reactions or responses might be very different or far from what you expect. Consider that this is perfectly normal and natural. Address and answer every question as honestly as you can and your kids would come to have a healthy understanding of the dying process and death.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a new home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem overnight. More info about this “Quick-Action Plan for A More Confident You” is available at