I have been involved in “selling” for nearly a dozen years now. I have sold everything from life insurance to media services. I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of different sales reps, and meeting thousands more. They all have one thing in common – they want to make more money.

But, they all go about it differently. I did not intend to be in “sales” as part of my career. It happened out of necessity, rather than career-planning. My wife was diagnosed with cancer ten months after our wedding. I was working in the entertainment industry, and prior to that, I had served in the Marine Corps. I really didn’t possess any sales skills. To further complicate things, I was going to be selling financial services and I couldn’t tell you what a 401(k) was.

In the middle of being my wife’s caregiver, I passed a series of tests, attended sales training, and started to get in the field. It quickly became clear to me that the “sales” profession is really the “people” profession. I realized that my potential clients were never buying just my products and services, they were buying me. In essence, how they viewed me, became a determining factor in my own success.

I realized that I needed to change my perception of selling, if I expected to change peoples’ perception of buying – from me.

I changed my perception of sales and started looking at in 3-D:

1. Desire
2. Development
3. Decision

“Sales” is a natural part of any job. Everyone is in sales. Doctors, lawyers, athletes, politicians, filmmakers, and janitors are selling every day. They want to obtain more patients, gain more clients, sell more jerseys, lock in more votes, sell more tickets, and earn more promotions. In some capacity, we all sell. For those who sell, I believe that the greatest sales tool you possess is your perception of selling.

By looking at sales differently, I not only experienced a new level of success in my career, but I experienced a new level of success in life. I dramatically increased my income, bought a home, purchased rental properties, wrote multiple books, and found my greater purpose.

If you are not consciously selling people about what you bring to the table, then you are subconsciously selling people about what your competition brings to the table! You may not always feel like selling, but people always feel like buying, especially when they perceive value! Always add value to your clients’ lives!

If you have found yourself in sales, isn’t it time you find yourself selling? Put on your 3-D glasses and change your perception about selling!

Author's Bio: 

Erik is a leading authority on accomplishing life-changing goals, team-building, increasing sales results, and enhancing leadership skills - no matter what circumstances you face!

Combining his 4 years of service in the U.S. Marine Corps, 10 years of sales experience, and his responsibilities as his wife's caregiver, during her battle with cancer, he created the Think G.R.E.A.T. program and authored the Think GREAT book series, designed to help people achieve a greater life.

Erik has helped individuals, teams, businesses, and organizations to achieve greater results in taking initiative, creating sales opportunities, recruiting stronger, and building leaders. http://www.thinkgreat90.com