You can experience swollen feet or ankles for several reasons. Some can be minor conditions, while others could signal severe underlying medical conditions that need immediate medical attention. However, the situation occurs when there is an abnormal accumulation of body fluid in cell tissues, or you have inflammation. If you are a resident of Weston swollen legs can be treated via telemedical intervention before the doctor observes you one-on-one.

Common Causes

There are several reasons which can cause edema in your legs. Therefore, it is vital to have your doctor examine you for proper diagnosis. The reasons can include:

Kidney Issues

If you are suffering from kidney conditions, you are more prone to have swelling in your legs. It happens when water which should be excreted from your body is kept instead because your kidneys are failing. It can be acute kidney failure where your kidneys stop working, and excess water is retained in your body. However, with proper kidney failure diagnosis, the medication will reduce the swelling.

Liver Conditions

A healthy functioning liver produces a secretion called albumin. The work of albumin is preventing body fluid from leaking out of blood tissues into other nearby tissues. Should you have a liver condition, your liver will produce an insufficient amount of albumin. As a result, body fluids accumulate in adjacent cells and cause swelling in your legs and feet.

Blood Vein Problems

If you are suffering from vein conditions, blood can accumulate in your veins instead of continually moving with the blood flow. Such conditions are deep vein thrombosis or even varicose veins. As a result of reduced blood flow throughout your body, the blood collects in your veins, causing your legs to swell.


If you are expectant, you can also have swollen feet. It is common mostly in the third trimester. As the baby grows in the uterus, it may exert pressure on the veins in your legs, slowing down blood circulation, which eventually causes the buildup of body fluids.

Joint Problems

Inflammation of your body cells can cause your legs to swell. Conditions that can cause inflammation include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, knee bursitis, and even osteoarthritis. Following the right medication will help reduce the swelling.


Perhaps you may twist your ankle joint, or have a broken leg bone. These two conditions will make your leg swell. Other injuries can include tendon rupture, ligament tear, or even cellulitis. Should you have a cut on your leg, an infection to the area can increase swelling.

Medicinal Side Effects

Some medicine can have side effects, which include swelling. Should you experience the side effects, it is paramount that you should inform your doctor who will then advise on the best alternative, like changing the medicine or reducing the dosage. Such drugs include antidepressants, diabetes medications, hormonal medications like estrogen, and even steroids. However, do not cut off the medication unless your doctor says so.

Swollen feet and ankles can be a mild symptom or a sign of a severe medical condition. Therefore, you need to see your doctor to rule out any life-threatening body condition. Additionally, should you experience persistent swelling accompanied by harsh conditions, you should seek treatment immediately. Following the right diet and frequent exercises aid in reducing the swelling of mild cases.

Author's Bio: 

Amna khan