Spring took its time this year; at least in the temperature department.
Some mornings it stayed below freezing, brilliantly clear and the dogs being walked still needed their coats!
I love that no matter how cold it still was; there were flower buds in splendid new colorful outfits poking through the gentle rebirthing earth.
I smiled at strangers and they back at me; we all know what’s coming. Like little kids waiting for presents, our mother earth will reward us with spring’s fertile magnificence.
My morning walk is a meditative exercise that helps me set my intentions for the day. I pray as I walk, often, I sing and hum. Sometimes it is the only time in the day I feel absolutely free of worry; totally present and embraced.
I feel in total alignment with the earth and all my fellows.
This morning I found myself humming “I Do Not Know a Day I Did Not Love You”, from Two by Two, a raucously wonderful musical about Noah starring Danny Kaye. I saw it thirty five years ago with a man I loved dearly. I thought of him as I hummed this warming melody.
Then, I started to see all the faces of the people I love, past and present. Even people I have had conflict with, their faces came to me. With each batch of faces I repeated the line of the song blessing all who appeared and feeling blessed by all of them.
It has been an emotionally hard winter for me and for many people I love, yet this morning I sensed the sweet coming of hope.
I am looking forward to the full moon in Scorpio tonight. This full moon is the closest to the earth this year and will look much larger and brighter
It is so Pluto/Scorpio that my old loves and dead loved ones would come to me on my walk.
There really is no separation between us and the spirit world and love is everywhere!
Mary Fitzpatrick, LCSW, CHT is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Writer and Astrologer, Mary is an expert Relationship and Money Mentor.
She brings 25 years of skillful experience to all her work and is the founder and CEO of Limitless Horizons, www.limitlesshorizons.org, a company dedicated to helping people live authentic, fulfilling and prosperous lives.
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