SUNBURN – Aloe vera gel can be applied topically and can also be used as a moisturizer to hydrate the skin. Lavender essential oil can be mixed with the aloe vera gel for sunburn and this would give greater effect to lessen aftereffects of a sunburn.
INSECT BITES, POISON IVY, POISON OAK – Silver Shield Gel can be applied topically to lessen the itching and prevent infection – it contains aloe vera and silver (antibacterial). Pau D’Arco lotion can also be used to relieve itching, has also been used for cases of chicken pox, for the itching. Tei Fu Oil can be used as a natural insect repellant (blend of safflower oil, wintergreen oil, menthol, camphor, and other essential oils), as well as on insect bites. Activated charcoal capsules can be opened and used to make a paste by mixing the powder with a little water, and applied to insect bite or sting.
FOOD POISONING – Activated Charcoal capsules can be taken to absorb toxins and for intestinal gas, can take 2 capsules or more, and repeat every 30 minutes as needed. Capsules can also be opened up and mixed in water to drink – especially for children. Silver Shield w/Aqua Sol can be taken by mouth – it kills E-coli and salmonella bacteria which are common causes of food poisoning.( Take 1-3 tsp. and can take hourly if needed.) Aloe vera juice can be taken to soothe the intestinal system. Psyllium Hulls Combination (powder) can be given (1 tsp. mixed in glass of water) to help bulk up the stool to stop diarrhea. Solstic Revive is a natural electrolyte replacement powdered instant beverage to mix with water. Peppermint essential oil can be smelled to help nausea and can also be massaged on abdomen (mixed with a carrier oil) for stomachache. A few drops of this can also be put in water to sip for indigestion and gas.
PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (accidents, fear, pain, grief, shock, injuries) – Distress Remedy – made from flower essences, can take 10-15 drops under the tongue every 10-15 minutes or as needed until symptoms improve, then decrease every 1-2 hours, can also be applied to the skin at pulse points such as the wrist.
EXTERNAL WOUNDS – Capsicum stops bleeding, can open up a capsule to apply powder on wound. Silver Shield gel can be applied on wounds, it is antibacterial, kills staph, including MRSA.
SPRAINED ANKLE – Massage ankle and foot right away – grab foot and stretch it, massage from ankle to toes, keep massaging until pain subsides, 5-20 minutes. (This will help to prevent fluid from accumulating in tissues causing swelling, it helps increase lymphatic flow). Any swelling after injury allows white blood cells to enter the damaged area, the pain is due to lack of oxygen, swelling puts pressure on nerves, redness is causes by increased blood flow to area. Tei Fu essential oil or Tei Fu massage lotion can be applied. Guardian essential oil can also be used – it helps any acute injury.
EARACHE – Use Sliver Shield w/Aqua Sol – put at least 2-3 drops in the ear, do this 2-3 times/day. You need to be lying down with affected ear upwards to have drops put in, and allow the Silver Shield to stay in the ear for 10 minutes, to allow it time to work, before getting up.
SINUS CONGESTION – Can use Neti pot – put warm water in pot and add sea salt (1 tsp), stir to dissolve, and use this to clean sinuses. You can also add a few drops Echinacea/Goldenseal herbal extract to the water in the Neti pot- this helps to kill any infection in the sinuses. If you don’t have a Neti pot, usa a bowl of steaming hot water and put a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil in it, then hold your face over the steam, can put towel over your head, and this will help to open up the sinuses. Eucalyptus is known for killing fungus also. Silver Shield w/Aqua Sol (liquid), can also be used as a nasal spray – put in a fine mist atomizer and spray into nostrils.

Author's Bio: 

Teresa Gregurek is a registered nurse and certified natural health consultant/herb specialist. She started her business (Herbs To Go), in 1999, to sell high quality herbal products and teach others on their use to improve health and prevent illness. She does herbal consultations and teaches classes on natural health and herbs. To contact her, e-mail or see website