Conventional medicine considers uterine fibroids a risk for causing miscarriage. A ten-year study disputes this view has found that women with uterine fibroids were at identical risk of suffering a miscarriage as women without fibroids.

The study also considered other potential risks for a miscarriage. Uterine fibroids are benign masses that can distort the interior and exterior contours of the uterus.

In the past changes to the shape of the uterus and other side-effects of having fibroids have been linked to potential risk factors for a miscarriage. The implications of this study could change the way fibroids are treated. Initially, the study was carried out to determine which kinds of fibroids might carry higher risks of a miscarriage.

Researchers ended up reaching a different conclusion, finding the risk of miscarriage for women with and without fibroids during the study was 11%.

The reason why their findings may have been different to earlier studies is that early studies didn’t take into account possible factors such as age and race. Unfortunately, miscarriages are very common but little is known as to why a woman may lose a baby.

When a miscarriage does occur, a woman will often question if they could have done something differently during their pregnancy. This study does give peace of mind for women with fibroids who now know they could not have done anything differently.

What Are the Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids?

Many women aren’t aware they have this problem as they may not have any specific symptoms. Uterine fibroids grow in the tissue of the wall of the uterus and the good news is that they are benign and most will not turn into cancer. Possible symptoms of uterine fibroids include experiencing lower back pain or pain during sex, being anemic or having particularly heavy or painful periods.

Another symptom is having a sense of fullness in your lower stomach. It’s also possible that your lower abdomen may look swollen and you could need to urinate more frequently. Women who have a close family member with uterine fibroids are more likely to develop this problem themselves.

African-American women are more likely to have fibroids and a link has been established between estrogen and progesterone and uterine fibroids. Other risk factors include being overweight, having begun your periods early on and even your use of birth control can make a difference.

How Can My Doctor Tell If I Have Uterine Fibroids?

Is quite possible that uterine fibroids may be discovered during a routine pelvic exam and this depends on the type and the location. The presence of any fibroids will affect the size of your uterus which is often how your gynecologist can tell if you have this issue.

There are also several tests that can confirm the diagnosis that includes ultrasounds, MRIs, or x-rays or CT scans. A laparoscopy will let your doctor see the inside of your uterus.

This is done simply by making a tiny incision in your abdomen which is used to insert a small tube with a camera at one end. An alternative way for your gynecologist to see your uterus is to carry out a hysteroscopy.

This also involves a thin tube with a light and a camera but this is inserted through the vagina. Subserosal fibroids grow on the outside of the uterus whereas intramural fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus. Submucosal fibroids grow in the cavity of the uterus.

Nonsurgical Treatments

If your fibroids aren’t causing any unpleasant symptoms and do not feel pain, then your gynecologist may not recommend any treatment. Otherwise nonsurgical treatments include over-the-counter pain medication and on supplements to counteract any anemia.

Your doctor may also prescribe low-dose birth control pills which can slow down or stop bleeding. Birth control injections contain progesterone which can sometimes help to relieve symptoms.
It’s the same thing with IUDs containing progesterone-like medication and which can also provide birth control.

Surgical Treatments

It is rare for surgery to be needed, but if it is then a myomectomy can remove fibroids without damaging healthy tissue. This treatment is ideal for women wishing to get pregnant and the degree of surgery required will depend on the type and location and the size of the fibroids.

A hysterectomy is more extreme, involving the removal of the entire uterus and this is likely to be the last solution. Usually, when a hysterectomy is performed, the ovaries are left intact to help prevent an early menopause.

Author's Bio: 

A writer with the passion for nature and animals.