I am so proud of our military and how day in and day out they are defending our country. These men and women are truly standing firm as they do their job with great passion and focus. Do your kids know that God wants them to have this same kind of passion and focus while being on duty for Him? First Corinthians 15:16 says this: “Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage and be strong.” Doesn’t this verse sound like the perfect Scripture for any soldier? Here is a Bible school activity to help your “young soldiers for the Lord” memorize this great verse while having some fun with a ball.

Here’s what you do:
Before playing this game, you will want to introduce First Corinthians 15:16 to your class. I present this in a militaristic way. I even wear a soldier’s hat and say things like: “You’re speaking to a commanding officer! You will address me as Sir!” (Have the kids say, “Yes, Sir!”) Then I say, “I can’t hear you!” (The kids shout louder, “Yes, Sir!”) I think you get the idea. I then have them recite the verse several times in a loud soldierly voice. Once you feel like the kids are beginning to know the verse, then you can introduce the game.

Divide your class into 2 teams. Have them stand in 2 straight lines, about 15 feet apart, facing each other. Bring out a ball and pick one team to start. Each child should stand with their feet wide enough apart for the ball to go through. They should also have their hands down to their sides in a soldier’s stance. Give a child the ball. Say the following, “Alright, soldiers! Here are your orders. Each team will get a chance to try and knock the other line of soldiers off balance. Each team should do their very best to stand firm and stay on your guard just like our Bible verse says. If a team successfully rolls the ball through the legs of a soldier on the opposite team, that soldier must say the Bible verse correctly. If he does so, his team gets 100 points. If he does not say the verse correctly, the team that threw the ball will get the 100 points. By the way, you may not use your hands or feet to stop the ball in any way. Your job is to stand firm. Are you ready? (Kids say, “Yes, Sir!)

Have the teams take turns rolling the ball. Have someone keep score and by all means, stand firm during this fun Bible school activity.
Next, if you liked this Sunday School/Homeschooling idea, then sign up today to receive Scripture Lady's Free Email Kid Tips packed full with creative ideas and receive 6 FREE Bible Review Games to help your kids get excited about the Bible!

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Author's Bio: 

Kathy Vincent is the director of a performing ministry for children called The Scripture Lady and has been traveling around Southern California for the past 15 years ministering to preschoolers and elementary aged children with the Word of God through musical, thematic presentations.

She is also a regular seminar speaker, author/creator of over 30 products for the Christian children's worker and a veteran homeschooling mom of two.