Realisation that there is Nothing Negative about Negative is Realisation.
Self Realisation.
Soul Realisation.
God Realisation.
Rationalisation is an aspect of mind and Intellect.
Realisation that of the Soul.
“The mark of your ignorance is
the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the Master calls, the butterfly. - Richard Bach “
“The mark of your ignorance is
the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy."
"the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy."
" injustice and tragedy."
injustice and tragedy is not understood as positive, by people who are ignorant of spiritual truth.
They are understood and looked at as NEGATIVE situations and events by people who are ignorant of spiritual truth.
Once spiritual light illumines,
injustice and tragedy evaporates
and only an 'ISness', a Godliness remains.
Once spiritual light illumines,
NEGATIVITY about Negativity evaporates
leaving only an 'ISness', a Godliness.
Once spiritual light illumines,
Acceptance of NEGATIVITY happens.
Spiritual Light doesn't illumine through Rationalisation.
It comes through Realisation.
For Rationalisation is an aspect of Mind and Intellect.
And Realisation that of the Soul.
Until we surpass the Mind and Intellect,
we could and would only see through the rationalising mind and the intelect.
If one still sees injustice and tragedy in this world,
If one still sees NEGATIVE as NEGATIVE,
understand that spiritual darkness still pervades the mind and intellect.
For there is nothing negative about negative.
'Realisation that there is Nothing negative about negative is Realisation.'
Realisation. Not rationalisation.
Darius Vaduva ( pen name Darius Thomas ) is a well-known mind guru and commissioner of the critically-acclaimed Lucid Dreaming Secrets at Darius is also president of Uconsciousness and Spiritual Expansion Of Consciousness.
Owner of ( Quantum World Awaken Your Mind )
Visit to download a copy of my free for "Know The Way - Development Of Self".
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