So, What’s Important When Thinking About Your Resume And A Career Change?

Finding a gig in this economy is tough by any measure. Finding one when trying to change careers is even tougher. But, the good news is that it’s not impossible; in fact, with the right coaching , writing, and planning, it can be done!!

Let’s look at what a career changer should be thinking about:

• Before you can start to network, write a new resume, and the like, you have to know what you’ve done, and where you want to go. Sounds easy. Often isn’t. It’s surprising to many people how many of their skills are transferable, and how many skills they forget they have, especially if they have been in the same field or even the same position for a long time. A good step back and careful evaluation of past experiences, education, training, and the like can often yield surprising insights and thus surprising, and very positive, results.
• In order to do the above, one has to have a shift of mindset; that is – what was, was. What’s coming is. That means that if your identity is wrapped up in your past career or position, you have to step out of that mindset – yes, that career or position was valuable – no question, or you wouldn’t have done it most likely. Now, start to think about what it is you’re aiming for – start to identify with that and what it represents. Internalize that. Be prepared to say “I am a (fill in the blank) and am successful at things like (fill in the blanks). In the past, I did (whatever it was) and now I’m so excited to be doing (fill in the blank). This is an easy transition from old skills to new skills, old experiences to new ones, and when you believe, it may very well come true. This simple exercise can change your whole mindset, attitude, and outlook on life and on the future.
• Career Coaches can help with assessments, interviews, and other tools to help you more narrowly define what you like and don’t like; what you’re good at and not; where your skills easily transfer to a new career path or position; and, help prepare you for interviews; in the same vein, a good resume writer, with a lot of hiring, writing, marketing, and branding experience can help you encapsulate those results into a compelling marketing document to help you make the transition.
• Preparing a new resume prior to completing the steps above will likely be an exercise in futility; it’s virtually impossible to create a compelling resume if there are no clear goals.
• If you’re unsure where to start, most States, and many cities and counties have local workforce development boards that can assist with these types of questions; in addition, most unemployment offices will offer basic services such as these. If you attended a college or university, many will offer alumni services through their career centers.
• The most important take-aways:
o Critically and objectively think about what you’ve done and *all* of the skills that were necessary to get that job(s) done – some things may seem minor, but may end up making the biggest difference.
o Get other viewpoints about your plans to gauge if they are realistic and doable.
o Determine if you need more education or training in order to move into your new chosen field.
o Consider consulting with a career coach or resume writer (or both) to help you validate your new goals and to redefine how your skills are marketed.
o Be positive and open to new ideas!!

© 2010, Michael Trust & Associates, All Rights Reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Michael Trust, MPA, SPHR-CA is a Career & Business Coaching professional, and president of Michael Trust & Associates,, a Career & Business Coaching firm. His Human Resources experience spans twenty years, and he has had major roles in staffing in all of his Human Resource positions. In addition, he has coached individuals at all career levels relative to their career paths, job search strategies, and related areas.