If you've been reading tons of self-help books, you probably have long lists of goals on pieces of paper all over your home. And after all, that's what these books advocate!

"You need goals" goes their mantra. “And you need to write them down… you need to read them every single day… you need at least 101!”

Sound familiar?

A lot of these books also tell you that you need to break down each of your major goals down into sub-goals. So now you've used up an entire ream of paper and list as a goal every single thing you ever hope to have, become, or accomplish. You've categorized and catalogued this unwieldy mass of goals into career, family, relationships, health, exercise and diet, leisure, income, savings, investments and wealth, and even spiritual or soul goals.

You've listed the car you want, the house, the dream job, the perfect physical shape, the vacations, the business you're going to start... whew!

But how many of these goals have you actually achieved?

How many do you think you’ll realistically achieve in the future?

And what has this MASSIVE goal-writing exercise ever brought you except writer's cramp, and an increasing sense of personal failure?

Obviously your goal setting mania hasn't yielded much, otherwise you wouldn't have downloaded this right?

So here's what I want you to do: Take all your goals and toss them in the garbage. That's right, in the garbage!

The truth is this: Rich Idiots don't have lists and lists of goals. Rich Idiots only have one goal, but it's a very BIG goal that they work that one goal every single day.

So what's the goal?

In my new book “How Come That Idiot Rich And I’m Not?” you’ll discover this little known goal-setting secret that Rich Idiots use to get richer FASTER!

Author's Bio: 

Robert Shemin, JD, MBA, and Wall Street Journal bestseller, who was once considered the “least likely to succeed,” is a multi-millionaire who speaks to hundreds of thousands yearly, regularly sharing the podium with such financial luminaries as Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, David Bach, Suze Orman and Tony Robbins. Shemin has worked with high-net-worth individuals for Goldman Sachs, helped create four companies, and been involved in over l,000 real-estate transactions. Find out more about Robert at http://robert-shemin.com.