Online reputation is the easiest and fastest way to screen a brand before interacting with it.

An online reputation score is a statistical number that evaluates a person or brand's trustworthiness. It works just like credit scores: the higher your reputation score, the stronger your online presence.

If you haven't built a good reputation score, your business will be overshadowed by your competitors. As a result, they can attract your potential clients regardless of how amazing your products and services are.

Learn more about how online reputation score works, how it can affect your business, and how to improve it with ReviewLead!

How reputation score works

If someone searched for your business online and the search results didn't show a good (or any) reputation score, you risk losing leads.

The reputation score ranges from 0 to 1000 points. To make your business stand out, target over 600 to 1000 for a good reputation score.

Some factors that contribute to your reputation score include online reviews, social media, surveys, and data about how your business ranks and even the traffic for your website.

A good reputation score is vital for your success because it makes your business easier to find online, potential customers choose you over rival companies, and people who experienced your services will endorse you more often.

How to earn a good reputation score

High-quality products and services are not enough if your business doesn’t have a solid online presence. ReviewLead can help you build a solid reputation score to prove your target audience that you have an excellent product or service.

Here are some ways on how you can gain a good reputation score:

Ask your clients for reviews

Ask your satisfied clients for an online review. Don’t worry, 76% of consumers leave a review when asked, according to BrightLocal. This will help you build a solid reputation in general because authentic reviews give assurance to anyone looking for a product or service that your business offers.

ReviewLead can ask your past customers for reviews on your behalf. We create emails and send them to your clients with your approval.

We can get even your busiest client to write one for you. ReviewLead can include a widget on your email signature to prompt your busy customers to leave a review without hassle. They can do this even on their mobile phones!

Be visible to your audience

Claim your listings on different review sites so your leads will know where to find you. Claim your listings on different review sites so your leads will know where to find you. Consider the platforms your customers use.

ReviewLead works for more than 140 major, minor, and industry-specific review sites. Once you’ve claimed your listings, we can help you by sending clients an email with a step-by-step guide on how to write a review on the site of your choice. This makes the process easier for confused customers and lets them know that your business cares from the start until the end of their transaction.

We also have a widget for sharing your reviews to other platforms. This way, your business will be more visible and trustworthy. Your other satisfied clients may also feel inspired to leave good feedback since they can see that their opinions matter to your business.

Post fresh and good reviews

Frequently post positive reviews as an update. This will keep your reputation good and it also amplifies your professional image to leads.

Around 48% of leads only pay attention to reviews that are written the past two weeks so this makes fresh reviews essential to your business (BrightLocal).

ReviewLead performs request throttling, which means we only send a limited number of requests over time to have a steady number of timely reviews.

Monitor online reviews

Prompt response to online reviews can also influence your reputation score. Receive alerts in real-time when clients leave a review so you can respond to them quickly.

ReviewLead monitors third-party review sites for new reviews. Receive instant alerts once new reviews are published. We also include the review and the response link so you can engage with your clients.

Keep track of negative reviews

Businesses need to take care of how they work with their customers. If you didn’t solve their pain points or had a problem with your service, it may damage the reputation you are trying to build.

Contain negative reviews before it becomes public. With ReviewLead, no negative review will taint your company's reputation.

Handle bad reviews with grace and solve your client’s issue on time. We direct unhappy customers to a form where they can express their issues that you can solve internally.

You may even gain a happy customer who will give you glowing feedback. This will also let your leads know that if they ever encounter a problem, your business will take care of them.

Build your reputation score with ReviewLead

An online reputation score tells you whether your online presence is helping or damaging your business.

A good online reputation score is hard to build, yet it's easy to lose in just one night. Visit our website today to boost your 5-star reviews and maintain a good reputation score.

Author's Bio: 

Hello, my name is Karen Cole 40 years-old woman, living in Philadelphia, United States. I am the founder and editor-in-chief of the HealthBenefitAdmin online magazine and I am responsible for the published content that would help my precious readers to live as happily, healthily, and sustainability as possible.