A lot of people may learn about the law of manifestation (also known as the law of attraction) and want to know how they can use it in their lives. It's misunderstood by some as some sort of magic, and by others as a hoax.
The core idea behind the law of manifestation is: thoughts become things.
This is also the source of the confusion.
Manifesting financial wealth, for instance, may seem to be as simple as imagining checks arriving daily by first-class mail.So you strenuously imagine your postal carrier straining under the weight of immense sacks of mail containing hundreds, even thousands of envelopes, each containing money for you! The more time and effort you put into this, the more money you should see, so you spend a few weeks at it, or even months.
So after all that time imagining, nothing happened - not only didn't the mailbox overflow, not even a single "manifested" check arrived. What happened?
At its most basic, money doesn't just come when called. The law of manifestation doesn't repeal the basic law of economics: wealth must be earned.
If you want to get money, the law of manifestation will help you set yourself up for it. Thinking a great deal about money will heighten your sensitivity to money-making opportunities.Your focus on money will become a "prism" through which you view the daily events of your life, so that when you see a vacant lot, you'll think about how you could make money there, or when you see a broken-down house, you wonder if you could buy it, fix it up and sell it for a profit.
Now, these things didn't just appear because you were thinking about money, you became aware of them because of your heightened sensitivity to money.You just weren’t paying attention to them. The amount of information we're confronted with every minute of every day is almost impossible to quantify, and we concentrate only on that information we think is important. Think about it - can you remember the color of the car you parked next to the last time you went to the store? Or the color of your next-door neighbor's shirt the last time you saw him?We can only pay attention to so much stuff and we just filter everything else out.
It's this concentrating on a desire or an intention that suddenly opens our eyes to ways we can make that desire come true, even when seeing things we've been seeing every day!The law of manifestation works like that: when you concentrate on getting a thing, ways of doing so manifest themselves to you as a result of your focusing on it.
Around the time I got my first car, a blue Toyota Corolla, I suddenly started to see blue Toyota Corollas everywhere I went. Now the cars were probably there whizzing around me the whole time, but it wasn’t until I dialed into the “Toyota Corolla wavelength” that I started to see them everywhere. I was focusing on Toyota Corollas, but it didn’t make one magically fall out of the sky into my driveway. I still had to take action and go out and buy one. I could have tried to find a contest to win one, I guess, but at the time, that didn’t occur to me.
For just about anything you can need, it works pretty much the same way.So if you want a new car, concentrate on new cars. The law of manifestation will present you with plenty of opportunities to make a good buying decision, even if it doesn't park a new car in your driveway!
The law of manifestation isn't the only universal law that you can put to work for you, and some, like the laws of vibration and abundance, can help you use the law of manifestation more successfully.When you master all of them, then you can use them in concert and seemingly make magic in your life.
If you thought this article was interesting and you want to learn more about what you can do manifest your dreams,check out Law of Manifestation, and Law Of Attraction Ebooks.
Felicia Fillmore used to live a life of negativity until she learned about the Law of Attraction. With the help of the Law of Attraction, she has turned her life around. She now lives in San Francisco. Felicia enjoys spending her free time as a food and Law of Attraction blogger, taking design classes at the University of Arts and living with her boyfriend and new corgi puppy.
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