Words that describe nonsense in the dictionary include pointless, meaningless, irritating, disrespectful, obnoxious. Nonsense is words or actions that others don’t understand. Doing or saying things that seem illogical. In my experience, nothing is really illogical. If it seems illogical I don’t know all the facts.

We send and receive nonsense from childhood onward. We act and speak in puzzling ways accidentally or on purpose. We may or may not become aware of it. It can affect our lives temporarily but usually not permanently.

When I say or do some dumb or embarrassing thing it does not ruin the rest of my life or yours. Thoughts like “They must think I’m stupid” or “Ill never live this down” are a waste of time.

We spend very little of our time thinking about others. Most of our thoughts are self centered. The people that we fear are turned off forever may not even remember the offending event. If they do their memories may be sympathetic.

People react now to what is happening now, not some previous time. Even an obnoxious, disrespectful past performance will fade quickly because everyone and everything we know is evolving every day. Something I did or said that seemed like a good idea at the time but chills me to think about later probably won’t be repeated.

An attempt to be clever that falls flat, like a joke that is mildly inappropriate or that nobody gets is a kind of nonsense that is unimportant. Some other types are very important.

How about when your child says I’ll run across this busy roadway whenever I want to and the drivers will steer around me. Oh oh. Better get to the bottom of that.

Embezzlers, thieves, con artists will lie and deceive us even though they know we will eventually find out. Their immediate goals are more important to them than any future penalty so they say and do whatever gets the job done. It’s sad but not terminal.

No matter how people speak, act or events turn out there is a logical explanation. It may be disappointing, ugly or scary but we‘re better off with it than without it. It may be logical to you but not me so even if I can’t find logic, knowing it is there somewhere helps.

Wondering why people avoid you? Not comfortable just asking? Maybe you don’t have to. Dislike is usually fear or discomfort of some kind. Are you scaring them? Boring them? Talking down to them? Try smiling, listening, non threatening, friendly. If they warm up you’ve answered the question.

Is your lack of progress in business stupidity? Just bad luck? Luck evens out in the end and brilliance is not necessary. Progress is gained by sharpening skills and becoming more valuable. Get the facts on how to do that. Customers and employers will reward you.

Is your friend or family member continuing self destructive behavior no matter what you say or do? The logic may be beyond your experience and you need action now. Get help.

Problems will continue throughout life. We can not solve them all but we can learn to live more comfortably with whatever comes along. Learning reduces fear and understanding brings peace.

Author's Bio: 

Ken Lind

Husband, father, grandfather. Military language school, college marketing curriculum, corporate management and sales schools. Business owner, manager, top salesman. Toastmasters past president, director in business clubs, writer, author, insatiably curious.
