These days we hear a lot about the “the value" of Pro-biotics on our health. Everywhere you look you see the media portraying the “good benefits” of taking pro-biotics. Manufactures everywhere are touting that their products have “Pro-biotics”. You can even find it in yogurt. Currently the craze is pro-biotic drinks. So what is this? What is the definition of “Pro-biotics”? Pro-biotic as defined by the World Health Organization “The term Pro-biotic means 'for life'." Pro-biotics is used to identify “healthy” bacteria shown to have beneficial effects for humans and animals.

So why is this important right now during cold and Influenza season? This has a very beneficial effect on our immune health. During flu and cold season this can mean cutting the duration of the illnesses or even avoiding them altogether. Eating incorrectly, putting stress on the body, negative thoughts, negative emotions and negative actions all compromise our immune system and create havoc on our physical well being. This creates a need to assist our bodies to stay healthy by adding supplements and pro-biotics on a daily basis.
In a double-blinded study by Leyer et al. showed that Pro-biotics, reduced incidence of fever, coughing and rhino rhea in healthy Chinese children 3–5 years of age. 1

Research also tells us that when consuming a high quality pro-biotic, it can help with:

* reducing the risk of certain diarrheal illnesses
* Helping lactose intolerant people with lactose digestion
* Support the immune system, making it resistant to disease.

Some studies report that pro-biotics can help in reducing the symptoms of allergies in children. It can also help with the parasitic activity of Helicobacter pylori colonization of the stomach. It can also help with replacing the healthy bacteria of the colon that is stripped away from the use of antibiotics or any other harsh drugs. It has also been studied to show how it helps patients cope with symptoms of:
o Certain cancers
o Inflammatory bowels
o Mouth bacteria creating dental maladies
o Irritable bowel syndrome

One of the major benefits of taking a pro-biotic on a daily basis is the fact that it helps to regulate the intestinal tract.
Numerous studies have shown the benefit of pro-biotics on the immune system. Therefore it is important to our health during this flu season, that we take interest in this health benefit we now know to be “Pro-biotic”, and begin an individual regimen. Be aware that once you have decided to take a pro-biotic you must find a quality product that meets a high standard. Pharmaceutical grade products are the best bet. Not All “Pro-biotics” are the same. Read the label as it should indicate the number of live microorganisms those are delivered in each serving or dose, as well as an expiration date. Be safe, read up on the company as well, and pick one that uses international grade as well as pharmaceutical grade ingredients in all their products. It is always important to be an informed consumer.
1.Pediatrics Vol. 124 No. 2 August 2009, pp. e172-e179 (doi:10.1542/peds.2008-2666

Author's Bio: 

Marti Angel, MA "America's Health and Expert Lifestyle Coach"

Marti is an Ordained Minister, Self help book Author,500 ERYT, Yoga Professor, Certified Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master level 3, Chakra Healer, Certified WATSU water therapist, Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor, Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist FDN, Certified Nutraceutical Consultant, Certified Health/Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker and founder of the number one alternative therapies site on the web.