Bank Jobs at any part of the world are tough and getting through the selection process is even more so. Nevertheless, thousands of applicants appear for the new system of bank examinations through IBPS. Bank Exams are however conducted not in just public sector banks, but also in private sector banks. In fact a large proportion of Bank Recruitment is done by the 20 private sector banks that function in India along with the recently launched IBPS common written test for Rural Regional Banks.
This of course brings us to the eternal question raised by applicants and the majority of the population in India, which bank provides the best opportunities? It so happens that whichever bank you are recruited in will expect the same of amount of working standards that are commonly expected.
Nevertheless, private banks are certainly more competitive and have a larger workload and pressure compared to the public sector banks. The difference comes also in the form of educational qualification that these banks require. While most public sector banks are known for hiring people from all wakes of life, private banks have a certain affinity for better students who are better qualified and better endowed.
In fact, as released by a recent study, it seems that private banks tend to hire people who hold a MBA degree. Public sector banks on the other hand recruit people who are less qualified, like people holding a simple high school certificate as well.
The perks offered are different as well. While the private banks pay well and make people work equally hard, public banks initially tend to pay less. However, the situation tends to change once a candidate has enough experience.
Moreover you should be choosing a bank which allows you to have plenty of personal growth. Getting through a public sector bank is of course way harder than private banks. That however does not make the process any easier in private banks. Just that, private bank give a wider scope for the purposes of hiring. Hopeful applicants for public sector banks are actually recruited from various agencies and institutes, from experts and of course their own recruitment examinations.
Nevertheless, the preparation for exams of both banks is equally tough. bank exams for that matter have a reputation in fact for being tough and need real dedication to nail it well. Bank Jobs however are desirable all over the Indian population and every year Bank Recruitment is eagerly awaited for.

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