In "Prevent Premature Ejaculation - Exercises That Will Change Your Sex Life Forever", you will discover simple exercises which if executed correctly, will improve and change your sex life forever! Read on to find out more!

To prevent premature ejaculation, exercises which you can undertake immediately are as follows:

First, mind exercises

Do you know that the most important organ that controls your ejaculatory power is not your penis, but your brain? How you think and what you feed your brain will affect your performance in bed.

To prevent premature ejaculation, exercises your brain is the key answer!

You are what you think! If you are worried about premature ejaculation all the times, you'll not be able to last long in bed! If you are constantly hanging on to your bad performance in the past, you will not be able to start a new episode in bed! Your negative thought will affect you and weaken your ability to last longer in bed!

Change the way you think now! Get rid of all self-deprecating and negative thoughts. Be positive! Be confident that you will be able to prevent premature ejaculation. Exercises your brain to nip any negative thought in the bud! Reposition your mind. Understand the problem and take active steps to overcome the problem. Instead of blaming anyone including yourself for the problem, be thankful for your ability to ejaculate and have sex - something which an erectile dysfunction patient would die for!

Second, breathing exercises

The way you breathe affects your ability to last long in bed. The faster you breathe, the more excited you get. That will result in you arriving at climax earlier and ejaculate before your partner is ready.

You may not have noticed it but to prevent premature ejaculation, exercises of your breathing method will make a lot of difference to your ability to last longer in bed.

The next time you have sex, focus on your breathing pattern. Slow down your breaths consciously when you are having sex. That can help to delay your ejaculation and help you to last longer in bed by distracting your attention as well as keeping your excitement level in control.

Third, kegel exercises

To prevent premature ejaculation, exercises that you must not miss include kegel exercise. Kegel exercise is pioneered by Dr. Arnold Kegel. This exercise helps to strengthen your pelvic muscle and enable you to better control your ejaculation.

Here are the simple steps to strengthen your ejaculatory ability through kegel exercise.

Identify your pelvic muscle, i.e. muscle which control your urination.

Start exercising your pelvic muscle by flexing and contracting your pelvic muscle for 2-3 seconds. After that, release the muscle and relax for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this flexing and releasing routine for 20-30 times, 2 to 3 times every day.

You may feel a weak penis at the beginning of the exercise. Do not worry. This is normal. Once you get a hang of it, you will be able to control your ejaculation as and when it is necessary.

These are the 3 main exercises that can help you to prevent premature ejaculation. Exercises make perfect. Do not give up easily. Instead, undertake the exercises for your mind, breaths and pelvic muscle as explained above on a constant basis. Your persistence will pay off one of these days if just you hold on to the right exercises and execute them correctly. When there is a will, there is a way. Remember, never give up.

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