Prayers for Protection are spiritual insurance for our family, friends and self. There is no fee to pay for this kind of insurance. All you need to do is surrender, have faith, trust in your Higher Power, and simply speak to God.

Praying is talking to God. You can say a standard prayer, create a prayer or simply speak to the Divine in your own words. Prayers for protection are focused specifically on the intention of asking for God's protection for yourself and loved ones and Mother Earth.

For over twenty-seven years now I have been consciously saying my prayers for protection for my husband, my children, my grandchildren, our extended family, friends, all of humanity and myself. Prayers are like affirmations or positive statements of truth. When I affirm or say these simple prayers to God I am putting my loved ones in Spirit's sacred care. Then I am free to go about my day, living in the moment, trusting that the Universe is in charge and taking care of all my concerns.

As a human being I am limited. I cannot physically be present to protect each and every member of my family and community. This is where the prayers for protection come in with focused intention. The Source is unlimited, ever-present for my loved ones and myself in every way. I believe and I trust in God's benevolence and power. This inner knowingness brings me peace, serenity and joy.

"Surround us all with love and light, protection and perfection."

"Surround us all with love and light protection and perfection." This is one of the prayers for protection that I say. I love the simplicity of the prayer. Visualizing a protective pink energy surrounding all my loved ones adds to the energy and intention of this communication with Spirit.

It brings me great solace to surround us all with love and light protection and perfection and to put us all in God's hands on a regular basis. I consider all of my brothers and sisters on the planet as my loved ones. In this way I am praying for the protection of everyone on planet earth. As a result I feel my heart expand with love. I feel peace as the result of surrendering to the Divine all of my concerns for my loved ones and Mother Earth.

God Answers Prayers

God answers prayers. Many years ago when my son was about twelve years old he and his friend fell through the ice on a frozen body of water in the village near our town. It was a very cold winter day with seemingly no one around. The boys couldn't lift themselves out of the icy water since the ice kept breaking all around them. Their legs and arms quickly went numb and soon they would go under the water unless they were rescued.

Suddenly a man appeared, saw the boys and ran to the house on the water near them. He then grabbed the flat bed boat that was behind the house and went out to rescue the two boys in the nick of time. Then he tossed a rope to each boy and pulled them one by one into the boat. God answers prayers.

It was a miracle that the man was there, he saw the boys, that the boat was there and untied, and the rope was in the boat. God answers prayers and lined up all these details so that my son and his friend would be saved just in time before they drowned in the icy water.

The local news station interviewed me about the incident involving my son and his friend and I was on the news that evening. I said that the boys were "lucky." Then I corrected myself and said that they were "blessed." I was very aware from the start that God answers prayers and saved my son and his friend from drowning. Gratitude to spirit still fills my heart ever reminding me to keep the prayers for protection going.

This experience was a powerful demonstration to me about how God answers prayers. It reminds me to continue to keep the faith, to keep praying regularly, to let go and let God do for me and my loved ones what I cannot do.

We are all blessed as we have the best insurance of all - a Universe that loves, guides and protects us. Keep affirming the prayers of protection with intention on a regular basis and relax in the knowledge that you are in good hands, the hands of God.

Read my related posts:

Daily Prayers

God Answers Prayers




Love & Blessings,


I encourage all of my clients to:

Live your true potential
Feel your own wholeness
Experience inner peace and joy
Express your creativity
Be who you really are- perfectly human and perfectly divine
Maureen Brennan Mercier

If you would like more information about:

Reiki Healing
Intuitive Readings
or would like to schedule a session with Maureen, please fill out the online contact form @ or give her a call at (845) 706-HEAL (4325).

Author's Bio: 

Maureen Brennan Mercier has been a Metaphysician for over 27 years and has helped many people in all areas of their lives. While taking a meditation class in the summer of 1983, Maureen discovered her gift of channeling and began her spiritual journey.

Maureen's new found connection with her higher power helped her through the tragic death of her husband only weeks later.

Raising two children alone and overcoming other challenges throughout her life has given Maureen more strength, compassion and emotional intelligence. Her love of people and her great passion for life continually inspire her work.

Meditation Classes

Maureen teaches meditation classes using simple guided imagery and channels spiritual guidance for the group, which is uplifting. Each person is able to ask a personal question at the end of the meditation and receive specific spiritual guidance for their life journey. The energy during the meditation is very loving, compassionate and nurturing which is healing in itself.

Intuitive Readings & Spiritual Guidance

Intuitive Readings are based on the client's questions about relationships, career issues, emotional issues, health issues, attitudes and beliefs, loved ones who have passed on and more. Maureen goes into a meditative state where she accesses specific guidance in answer to the questions being asked. The channeled information she receives during and intuitive reading is spiritual, yet very practical. After a reading with Maureen, individuals feel more relaxed, reassured and more positive about their lives.

Reiki Training & Reiki Healing

In September 1992 Maureen received her first degree Reiki training. After years of practicing Reiki healing in small groups, workshops, centers, and retreats throughout the United States, Maureen received her second degree Reiki and Reiki Master Degree in August 1999.


Maureen is extremely grateful for the gifts of healing she has received over the years and is committed to being a channel of LOVE, GUIDANCE and HEALING. Her life's work is about assisting individuals with their healing, spiritual growth and the remembrance of who they truly are - DIVINE.