Having a persistent low-grade fever can be a cause for many life-threatening and dreadful diseases. A fever itself is not a disease and is not fatal. Fever is just a body's way of protecting itself.

A persistent low-grade fever can be your body's way of telling you that there is something very serious going on. When this fever is accompanied by other symptoms it is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Fever is a condition when the body’s temperature is above normal. The normal body temperature is around 37°C. A temperature of around 38°C is considered to be a low-grade fever. A higher body temperature is not a reason for panic; however, it can be a cause for concern in babies and small children.

When a body’s immune system is fighting a virus or bacteria, our body’s temperature becomes higher. Having a healthy immune system is extremely important as this is how we are able to defend from bacteria and viruses that are persistent.

People need to get more concerned about their health when they notice a persistent low-grade fever. What is a persistent low-grade fever? It is a fever that lasts more than 7 days. What does this mean? A persistent low-grade fever means that we are dealing with a more serious infection, an infection our body is not able to overcome.

A persistent low-grade fever usually is accompanied by lower back pain and cough. In any case, your doctor should check your blood pressure using a blood pressure monitor for any possible viral or bacterial infection.

Just as an example, a lower back pain accompanied by persistent low-grade fever is a sign of UTI – urinary tract infection. This can be cured with antibiotics and other remedies. In case that the symptoms remain persistent and are accompanies with strong headaches, this can also be a sign of a brain tumor.

Any persistent low-grade fever accompanied by any symptoms can mean something serious.

Here is another example – in many cases, fever accompanied by respiratory problems and big weight loss is a warning sign for lungs cancer. Again, if a persistent fever is accompanied by chronic indigestion symptoms, it can indicate colon cancer.

People with a diagnosed cancer should expect persistent low-grade fever during their course of treatment. This is also one of the indicators of a compromised immune system.

In any case, for any unexplained or persistent low-grade fever, you should consult your doctor. This can be extremely serious for children as it can be a sign of leukemia. Also, it can mean lymphoma as it is a type of tumor. The lymphatic system is the ones that fight infections, and when it is not healthy, low-grade fever is the first sign of lymphoma.

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I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.