Peri Peri Chicken is famous all over Southern Africa , We love it in South Africa and Zimbabwe. it is best when it is cooked on the BBQ, but mostly it is cooked in the oven as there is not much opportunity for BBQ's in the UK

Peri Peri “chili” pepper is found throughout South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique. Peri Peri pepper is also known as Bird’s Eye Pepper. This pepper is both cultivated and grows in the wild. The exact origins are unknown, but some believe that this chili was taken from Africa to Europe by the Portuguese and then onward to South America. Others believe it happened in the reverse order.

Ever since the early European travellers have braved the costs of Africa this spice has been sampled and loved by the travellers who have taken their find and introduced it to the rest of the world. The Portuguese Love it and now it seems that the English are beginning to take a shine to it as well.
In Zimbabwe and South Africa it has been a firm favourite for a very long time, Most are introduced to it at an early age, it comes in many forms now and is found in most shops and stores . Even now in the UK it is found in some of the bigger stores.
can be used for many things
peri peri chicken
chicken marinade
chicken livers marinade
seasoning for chips and
used in making biltong - which has ver little fat on it and is considered to be a healthy snack is southern africa

Here is a Popular marinade recipe that is both easy to follow and produces some great culinary results using our peri peri mix .

Preheat oven to 150 degrees C
To make marinade for 1 kg of skinless chicken take 30 g peri peri spice mix, add 100ml lemon juice and 50 ml cooking oil and mix well in a bowl
Coat the chicken all over, if possible leave to marinade over night, but this is not essential.
Place in a baking tray and cook for about 60 mins or until the chicken is well cooked
it goes very well with home made oven chips (NOT deep fried!) and a salad

Try this out , I am sure that you will enjoy it as much as I do.

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I have a love of all things healthy having recently lost 40 pounds and now living well , i have added these links in for you , try them out if you wish... healthy living is all about eating well and living well - peri peri chicken spice for peri peri chicken
and the biltong(dried meat)