God has blessed you with his sweetest creation, a child. Mother’s heart beats in her kid; father’s dreams are seen in his child’s eyes. Taking care of your children, spending time with them, holding them in your arms, watching them grow, educating them about the Do’s and Don’ts; this all is a part of parenting.

If you take care of certain things, then the parenting process will turn most wonderful and joyful. These are very small things and you might find them hard to digest, but the truth is that small things can bring a lot of change. The pointers below are not tips; they are mere suggestions that might add more colors to the art of parenting.

Know Your Child

It is not just about what food they prefer, their favorite color or TV show. Though, you have been looking after your kid from the day he was born; but there is much more to explore. Try to find new things and introduce the same to your kids; let it be new games, toys or activities like painting, singing and dancing. You can take them out to museums, parks and other places that offer fun frolic learning. The list of likes and dislikes alone would not work. You need to know about what they are best at, what is their area of interest, what is the thing that bothers them.

Spending Quality Time

In the rat race lifestyle, everyone is in a hurry. Office duty, chase for promotion, working hard to fulfill household demands, attending functions as a social obligation, a big time chaos. However, in all this rush, you forget that you are doing all this for your kids and the most important thing that your kids want is you and your time. Cut out a single second from your busy schedule and think about when did you last spend quality time with your child? You need to understand that being a parent you are the closest to your kid. If you will not provide him time, he might get into bad company just for the sake of getting attention. On the other hand, he might indulge in bad habits, show tantrums so that you start considering his presence. I hope you don’t want this all to happen. For avoiding these sorts of situations, you have to give time to your kid; I hope you do consider him more important than any office assignment or social function.

Enjoy the Play Time Together

What else can be better than this? While playing with your kid, you might feel that your childhood has come back. Get down on the floor, play with cars, dolls, clay or color pictures. Take a shift from parent role to friend role; believe me it’s not that hard. When you play with your kid, he gets a companion, a friend and you get to know your kid better. This will add joy and trust in the parent child relationship.

Bedtime - The Best Time

I know your office responsibilities, household chore and social commitments leave you exhausted. Till the time it gets dark and you are all set to lie down on your bed, you are neither left with the energy or time to spend with the time. However, the fact is that bedtime is the best time to enhance your bond with your kid. Read them stories till they fall asleep, maybe fairy tales or anything that they enjoy listening. Or else just a small talk before sleep and a good night kiss.

Author's Bio: 

Author provides parenting tips for the people who want safe toys and games for their children and families and has the vast knowledge of Toys and games for different age group children.He also writes about different varieties of toys for many well established websites of Toys and Games. He owns a online shop store too. For visit the online shopping store check Fisher Price Toys India and Barbie Toys India