Pain between the shoulder blades or thoracic pain is often caused by a reaction to stress. When stress occurs, we learned as children to hold our breath, so it didn’t have to hurt so much. This can cause several reactions in the body. In order to slow down breathing we tighten our diaphragm muscle and as a reaction to stress, the stomach then goes up into the esophagus or food tube. This then causes the second, fifth and/or eight thoracic vertebrae to lock up and go into hyperextension. This causes your body to slump forward as a way to protect yourself from feeling emotional pain. Unfortunately the pain is locked into the nervous system until a hyperextension chiropractic adjustment is given. Hyperextension adjustments can be done by an activator or by using a drop table. To complete the process the diaphragm should be loosened and the stomach pulled down out of the esophagus to it’s natural resting place.
After eating fried foods, pain can be referred from the gallbladder to the fourth thoracic vertebra (between the shoulder blades) and the right arm. The pain can be relieved by adjusting the fourth thoracic vertebra and by releasing the tension in the gallbladder. Gallbladder tension can be released by using CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique) or BRT (Body Restoration Technique). Another cause for pain between the shoulder blades is a misalignment of the shoulder blades or scapula. The scapulae can rotate either clockwise or counterclockwise. After a scapula adjustment patients often experience instant pain relief and a relaxation of the muscles on that side of the body. Pain between the shoulder blades can also be caused by ribs going out of alignment and irritation to the thoracic disc. If you have a pain between his shoulder blades, just show me where you’re hurting. If a rib is out of alignment, I’ll adjust it. I will also check for an irritation to the thoracic disc. If the disk is irritated I’ll give you a Vickery adjustment and show you the yoga exercise to relieve the pain. To do the exercise, stand in front of a wall with your fingers tense and clawlike. Arch your back and neck and pull down on the wall, without sliding. Start with your hands just below the clavicle (collarbone) and gradually move downward until you find the area that affects your pain. You can move your hands higher or lower, closer together or wider apart until you find the position that helps you get a release.
You might ask "When should I opt for drugs or surgery and when should I try chiropractic?" When it comes to health problems there are always two options drugs and surgery (the allopathic medical model) or chiropractic, massage or nutrition-the holistic natural model. Common sense would tell you to try the least invasive, safest procedure first and the riskiest, more possible side effects option second.
If you are suffering from pain between the shoulder blades, please call me for a free consultation at 510-558-0164 or e-mail me at I would love a chance to relieve your symptoms and help you to achieve a happier, healthier life style. Thank you.
Dr. Raphael Rettner is a Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduate and has been in practice since 1982. Dr. Rettner is one of the most highly skilled and respected chiropractors in the United States. He has made numerous radio and T.V. appearances, is the author of Vegetarian Cooking for People with Allergies and has produced several DVDs including: End P.M.S Now!, The Ultimate Diet, and Twelve Causes of an Unstable Spine. He has studied both force and non-force techniques such as Advanced Biostructural Correction, Applied Kinesiology, Biophysics, Gonstead, S.O.T. and over a dozen others. With a combination of creative thinking and an insatiable quest for knowledge, Dr. Rettner has developed several new and exciting chiropractic techniques. Since 1994 he has taught these in his Applied Trigger Points seminar to chiropractors all across the United States, Australia, Canada and England.
You can reach Raphael at
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