Have you ever come across someone and felt incredibly comfortable with them? It's as if you knew them your whole life. This happens to me often. I will attend a lecture, seminar, go to a party and the next thing I know I'm chatting away with someone I have never met before in a very deep way. It's as if two magnets have found each other. Sometimes I keep in touch with the person and other times it's a short experience. Each time, I always get the feeling of deja vu. I've known them before somewhere, somehow, in some distant place.

I wondered what was going on, so I decided to enter my Akashic records and find the answer. Our soul keeps choosing to come back in family groups. Family groups are relatives, acquaintances, lovers, teachers, friends that we have met at some other time in our evolution. When we decide to come back to the planet, we pick the best beings to help us expand. If they were part of our family group then they know our soul's purpose well and can assist us. It doesn't necessarily mean we will get along each time. At times we learn through irritation. The point is to push, challenge, motivate us into powerful beings. We of course have signed up in their soul's blueprint to do the same. Sometimes we're the instigators!

The initial deja vu is for our beings to remember the commitment we made to help each other. Sometimes it's for a brief period of time. The energy is intense, the friendship deep and then it simply fades away. What needs to be learned has been learned. The soul's commitment has been met.

The next time you feel this deja vu, ask yourself what you're learning or meant to learn from this person. Why have you called them back into your journey? And thank them if you can that they signed up for your expansion and growth.

Author's Bio: 

Mona Wind is an accomplished energy therapist and teacher, medium and Akashic record reader with many happy clients and students. She is known by her clients as the accelerator because of her unique gift to see the core issue almost immediately. She is trained as a Reiki Master, EFT & IET Practitioner, Certified Practitioner of the Akashic Records, and Theta Healer. Her website is www.lifeintegrity.com