Do you take vitamin supplements? There was a time when people got all of the vitamins they needed in the foods that they ate. What are vitamins, anyway? People live all day long in their own body, and very few of them even know how their body functions. They eat food because they are hungry, or want something with a certain taste, but usually do not even think about what reactions are going on in their body because of what they are putting into their mouth.

The human body is complicated, and it has many functions going on at the same time, such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, and the system to remove the waste products. In order for each system to function properly, the body needs the intake of vitamins.

Vitamins are necessary to make molecular reactions to happen, and when broken down they help the different organs function better.The foods people eat have vitamins, but without eating the proper nurishing foods, most people do not get all the vitamins they need. Scientists have been able to produce vitamins in their laboratories, so now people can get the vitamins they are missing through taking a pill.

Through research, it has been discovered that the body needs thirteen important molecules for it to function properly. That is how they came up with the recommended daily intake of certain vitamins that are essential for good health. Vitamin A is a necessary vitamin that can be found in foods, such as squash, or carrots. Too much vitamin A can cause your skin to turn yellow, or orange, but not enough vitamin A will result in night blindness, so make sure you eat plenty of carrots.

For optimum health it is important to take a good B-complex supplement, because there are many different B vitamins, and lacking them can cause many unnecessary problems. If you do not get enough of vitamin B1, or thiamine, you can get beriberi, a very debilitating disease. Vitamin B2, or riboflavin, like the other B-complex vitamins, is necessary for a properly functioning immune system.

One of the reason people are so riddled with disease these days, is because of a weak immune system, caused in part by not getting enough B vitamins. Vitamin B3, or niacin, is needed for the growth of young children. A lack of this vitamin will cause pellagra. Another important B vitamin is pantothenic acid, or B5. Along with helping in growth, and the immune system, it also gives the body strength and energy, and is even a pain reliever. A deficiency can lead to a disease called paresthesia, which causes numbness.

Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, like most of the B vitamins, is needed for growth and development. Too much, can cause eye disorders, but too little will result in anemia. B9 or folic acid is necessary for pregnant mothers to prevent birth defects, and vitamin B12 or cyanacobalamin, helps proper development, and lacking it can cause anemia.

All of the B vitamins are important to have a healthy functioning body. The remaining essential vitamins are vitamins, C, D, E, and K. Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables, and a lack of this vitamin can cause scurvy, and a damaged immune system. Vitamin D works with calcium in developing and maintaining strong bones, vitamin E is needed for regenerating cells, and it helps with antiageing. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and healing.

A balanced diet will give people the necessary vitamins their body needs for proper growth, and well being. What you do not get in your food, can be added through vitamin supplements. The earlier people start a healthy nutrition program, the sooner they will get a healthy body, and the longer it will remain that way.

Author's Bio: 

Rick Carpenter has a blog called Richard Carpenter's Empower Network Blog. You can find information on making money online by using the Empower Network, along with information about natural health and bible studies.