Remember the silly Austin Power’s movies from a few years ago? Austin Power knew the power of having his “MoJo”.

“Yeah baby!”

MoJo” is a great word to describe how it feels when we’re top of our game, when we are feeling your best and exuding natural confidence & charisma. Things just seem to go our way… More opportunities, more money, more joy & improved relationships. When we are at our best we do our best!

How’s your MoJo flowing these days? Are you energetic, happy & full of life? I hope you answered ‘yes’! But if you answered ‘sometimes’ or “not really” or “what?”" how you can revive your ‘MoJo’ and get back into a positive flow?

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s famous investigations of “optimal experience” have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called flow. During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. Flow occurs naturally when we do activities that are challenging, enjoyable, and engaging to us.

How can you increase flow in your personal and work life starting right now?

The answer is two-fold:

1. Do more of what interests and challenges you- TIP: eg. Try a new work out like Zumba, learn how to use a new online social networking tool, or uplevel your creativity by making something with your hands, art, cooking or hiking a new trail.

2. Learn how to do unpleasant chores with willingness and positivity- I’m a big fan of delegating, but truth is there’s always plenty “to do” sometimes these tasks aren’t our favorite use of our time but they need to get done. -TIP- Put on Pandora radio or plug in your IPod & whistle while you work! Music is a proven way to shift attitude & shift it fast!

MoJo & Flow coaching challenge- This week “jump start” your own mojo & get your “flow” on by doing more of what you like. You’re going to love the results you get!

Author's Bio: 

Diana is the creator of multiples programs including her proprietary, Blueprint for Success System™, with this system, Diana’s clients experience incredible results by implementing the Dream It, Design It, and Do It Process™ that Diana teaches. Other programs Diana’s company,The Life Design Institute offers include : Design Your Life & Business in a Day Programs™ , The Dream-Card Kit™ and the Ultimate Success Coaching Club. In 2007, Diana co-created the Award Winning, Business Breakthrough Series ™ Training Program, and the Business Breakthrough Home Study Kit™ with Meredith Liepelt. Diana is also a contributing author to the book, "Power and Soul, Secrets for Creating the Business and Life of Your Dreams"

To learn more about how you can work with Diana so you design your business to support your "dream" freedom-based lifestyle, please email or give us a call @ 740-657-1699