I just heard a very skilled interviewee on the radio make several gaffs that made me not want to listen to him. Even though he was clearly lively and entertaining his attitude was a condescending and a bit snooty. Tone is more important than words. If we're turned off by your tone, most likely we're not going to buy your book, product, join your cause or become one of your loyal fans.

1. Don't be repetitive.
Be fresh. Even if you'd told your story or shared your information thousands of times it should still sound like you're telling it for the first time. Certainly, don't tip your audience off that you've said it before. In this interview the expert said a number of times, "I like to say," or "I've often said." We don't want to hear what you've often said, we want you to speak directly to us as a shared intimacy, a secret, a special something just for us.

2. Don't say "In my book."
Who cares what's in your book? This expert kept saying, "In my book this, in my book that." Does this make me want to read it? No. Also, I don't even know the title! So I can't read it if I wanted to. We want to be enticed to read THE INFORMATION in your book. Instead, mention the title in the course of sharing a delicious tidbit, naturally, as part of the conversation.

3. Don't quote statistics without a source.
It's not effective to say, "A study shows that." Instead say, "A 2009 Harvard study on aging showed that..." You'll be considered more credible. Plus, we'll see that you've done your homework and respect you for that.

4. Don't consider anyone a competitor.
Do give credit to other authors and experts in the spirit of generosity and to give your own information greater depth. When you mention other people's work, studies, products, and information you show that you're knowledgeable in your field. Also it shows confidence that you don't see anyone as a threat. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle and giving them credit expands our world.

5. Don't disparage call-in listeners.
This expert made light of a listener's call in comment and question. We know that you know more than we do, that's why we're listening. But it should go without saying to be respectful of those people looking to learn from you. Of course you should correct an inaccuracy, but with kindness. Never mirror a call-in listener's bad attitude, anger, or ineptitude. Maintain your own equanimity, be direct, and tell us something that will enlighten or delight us in response.

Author's Bio: 

Susan Harrow, CEO of prsecrets.com, is a top media coach, marketing strategist and author of *Sell Yourself Without Selling Your Soul* (HarperCollins), *The Ultimate Guide to Getting Booked on Oprah*, and *Get a 6- Figure Book Advance.* Clients include Fortune 500 CEOs, bestselling authors and entrepreneurs who have appeared on Oprah, 60 Minutes, NPR, and in TIME, USA Today, Parade, People, O, NY Times, WSJ, and Inc.