Praise you Father God, to you Lord be the Glory and Honor. This is the foundation to life, these are the building blocks on the journey of life that will Bless you in ways you could never imagine. Praising your God!

God created us to be instruments of Praise, but in the darkness of this world we found our comforts in earthly things rather then Godly things. We chose to fulfill selfish desires and maybe, not intentually, ignored God who created us.

We were told the Ten Commandments, but was there really anything to them, was God really going to unleash his wrath if you chose to break a few or even all of them?

Sometimes I sit and ponder what my life would have been like had my conviction been to Praise God daily and do the things he put on my heart to do.

Ever Faithful, you have never let me do without anything, clothes, food, shelter, a job and a loving family. For me to murmur and complain is truly an example of selfishness in action. You have had all the reasons in the world to give up on me and pull the plug on my Blessings, but your Love for me has really boggled my mind. People in this country have forgotten you and I believe we're beginning to witness the consequences.

Lord God I cry out to you this day to please forgive me for an attitude of selfishness. Anything on this earth that hasn't gone the way I felt it should I can take a bow for the outcome. Seeking you would have been a great reward, because you've told us you're a rewarder to those who diligently seek you. Lord please help me get over me. The it's all about me lifestyle is a perfect design for a miserable existence.

You walked this earth and showed the perfect example of selflessness. You stepped out of your Glory and entered this world to show your creation that life isn't about self, but about others. When you're able to defeat the 'me' character and take on the Jesus' personna of doing for others and loving your brothers and sisters more than trying to fill your every lust, your life will truly be rich and rewarding.

Unfortunately I find myself elderly and it seems I never lived and the fact is I haven't, because real life is caring for your fellow man in every way you're Blessed to do. Me, Me, Me is the recipe for a dismal existence.

God you've told us in your Word that your Spirit sees into the marrow of our bones. You have known since the beginning of time the place I would find myself in today. Lord I know you do your best and most incredible work in ordinary, broken people. For me Lord, I'm that broken vessel. I feel as if my life has been a mirage. I've never seen myself as the person you created me to be. Jesus you said you have come to this earth so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Dear Lord Jesus unveil to me through your Holy Spirit who you would have me to be.

Our lives are so short and once we've reached the late years of our lives we want to now, remember God and know that soon we will see him face to face.

When we repent, you forgive our sins as far as the East is from the West, help me Father to forgive myself. Satan is the accuser of the brethren and he keeps many Saints in mental chains. I desperately want a relationship with you Lord Jesus, I've seen everything this world has to offer and I'm empty Lord...very empty. Jesus, let me touch the hem of your garment and may your peace that passes all understanding pour out over me and my family.

As I sit here next to my bed thinking about what I'll bring to you in prayer tonight, I should know in my heart you heard these prayers years ago and you've paid for everyone of them, help me Lord to receive.

Materially my family and I have been richly Blessed, but Spiritually we are barren. Lord your are the vine and I am the branch, without you I can do nothing, please begin to use me for your Glory.

Jesus I know the Rapture is at our doorstep, I pray that your mighty Holy Spirit touches every person in my family and my wife's family. On that incredible day, Lord I pray that everyone will be seen without spot and without wrinkle through your precious blood!

I haven't got a clue how long my life will last, but thank you Dear God for the trials and challenges that have awakened me to how awesome you are and how much you love us, regardless of what condition we've found ourselves in. Thank you my Father, my Creator and my Savior!

Author's Bio: 

64 year old male living with wife Linda in Virginia Beach, Va. Former Naval Reserve Vietnam Veteran. Import Manager for two different Customs House Brokerage firms, Route Salesman, Delivery driver and Target employee. Author of two Christian books. Owner of website and blog