It is likely you got inspired to make everything you desire to happen after you've watched "The Secret". It feels as if what you want is right there in front of you. And it inspires you to make your dreams into a reality! You have every intention to use the law of attraction into your life. But you realize it's more challenging than you thought. When times get frustrating , you decide that law of attraction isn't work for you.

Many people had this similar experience after they saw the movie. Don't be disheartened. Don't expect a life time way of thinking to change overnight. You need to practice continually. Like studying to play music or a new language, it takes practice and time. You start to attract negative things in your life when you lose your ability to stay focused and positive.

When you get discouraged, it is certainly challenging to stay positive. So here are the following tips that could make the law of attraction benefit you, with confidence and finesse (without getting discouraged)..

1. Be able to Receive

I'm sure your reaction is to tell them to slow down and asked them to only ask one question at a time if someone came to you with rapid fire questions. This happens to the universe and to your mind. If all you do is just ask continuous questions to the universe, it won't get a chance respond.. You need to put your desires out there to allow the universe to do it's job. With the help of being open to opportunities that comes your way.

2. Patience and Perseverance

Do not get disappointed whenever your life isn't going your way. It won't be beneficial if you begin a downward spiral of negativity. Everyone runs into temporary defeat, before success can be reached When you are defeated it is usually easy to just quit. Right before they are going to win, it's what most people do. Thomas Edison failed a great deal before he successfully invented the light bulb, he failed 10,000 times. What do you think our world would be if Thomas Edison quit after his 9,999th try? "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge", this quote by Napoleon Hill holds true. One of the reason most people fail is because they give up when they're almost there. Be patient because you can be successful if you refuse to give up.

3. Give Thanks

I know that when your life is going your way, it may not be hard to be grateful. What do you think you need to do when life gives you lemons? Try to make lemonade of course! I know you've heard of that saying. Life is like a roller coaster ride, it has many ups and downs. More happy people and people who think negatively, actually are not much different from each other. Pessimistic people and positive people have the same problems and issues as well, except for their state of mind. The difference is the way they see things in everyday life. Those who are happier know what they have in life to be grateful for. Being grateful means you should recognize all the happiness you get in your life, no matter how big or small it is. Me more mindful in everything that's good around you. Why don't you notice the beauty of nature, the sun shining which it makes you see the beautiful colors of the flowers. Notice the people who are in your life right now. The person who sleeps besides you each night. The gentle touch from the lips against yours when bidding you farewell as you go to work. Notice the atmosphere at work, and how you're co-workers good mood affect it. Genuine happiness in these little things can help your state of mind inspire and encourage you to succeed in all of your attempts to be successful.

Author's Bio: 

The Law of Attraction changed my life...

If this article makes you want to take the actions you need to having a happier life, also check out Master The Secret, and Zero Limits Review.