Having regular dates is good for a marriage. It helps spouses to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere which helps the couple to share fears, worries, and interesting thoughts, to relate to one another better and to exchange ideas about what they can do to improve the relationship.
Besides, it makes them find out things they did not know about their spouses and they get to understand each other better. Consequently, their love grows and the cohesion of the family unit is maintained.
On the other hand, when you don’t have regular dates, you may develop different interests and grow apart, which can lead to a breakup of the marriage.
Here are a few fun married couples’ dating ideas you can try to help spice up and improve your marriage.

1. Have a Picnic in a Botanical Garden
Hold hands and walk through a botanical garden whilst talking to each other about your love for one another. Furthermore, discuss how you will show more love for each other.
Later on, as the birds sing in the trees around you, hug your spouse and sing your spouse’s favorite love song to him or her.
Then, let your spouse also sing your favorite love song to you whilst you nestle yourself in his or her arms. Dance slowly to the song and ruminate on the words of love which your spouse is communicating to you.

2. Do Love Puzzles
Create your own love crossword puzzle and let your spouse do likewise. Then, exchange them and try to find the answers to these puzzles that your spouse created.
The spouse who is able to solve a comparably higher number of his spouse’s love puzzles wins the game. Let the winner tell the loser a romantic fantasy he or she wants the loser to fulfill. The task of the loser will then be to fulfill his spouse’s fantasy within the timeline both of you will agree on.

3. Have a Date in a Tent
Set up a tent in your yard or in front of your house, on one Saturday evening. Light candles in the tent and place flowers round the interior of the tent to create a romantic atmosphere.
Read love poems to your spouse or compose a love poem for each other, together. Do not eat before you go into the tent. After you have affirmed your love for each other, order some pizza or KFC and eat it with your fingers.
Whilst eating, break off a piece of pizza or chicken and lovingly put it into your spouse’s mouth. Smile into his or her face and let your spouse also put a morsel itno yur mouth. Then after the meal, give your spouse a passionate kiss.

4. Watch a Movie Together On Your Computer
Watch a romance movie together on your laptop, in your bedroom. Place the laptop on the side of the bed, lie supine, and let your spouse place his head on your chest as you view the film together. This will give you an opportunity to smooch each other as you watch the movie.
Nuzzle your spouse’s arms and body, and whisper sentimental words of love such as, “I am crazy about you, sugar pie! It is a dream just to be near you and to feel so close to you, darling. I hope we never wake up from this dream,” to your spouse so that your spouse will have tender feelings for you.

These are some married couples dating ideas you can try to help you deepen your love for each other as well as consolidate the camaraderie in the marriage, which will go a long way to make your marriage a fabulous one.

Author's Bio: 

Isaac started his writing career as a crime fiction eBook author. He has published about 75 mystery and thriller eBooks on Amazon in English and several other languages. In addition, Isaac has also self-published about 7 non-fiction eBooks.
Additionally, Isaac has written over 80 articles on relationships and marriage at Hubpages, and over 50 articles on topics ranging from relationships, health, and parenting to sports, self-improvement, and making money online, at Wordpress.com and Blogger.com.
Isaac is a simple, down-to-Earth guy. He has a great sense of humor and he is very friendly. He loves watching soccer and reading his Bible and crime fiction stories. Furthermore, he enjoys sharing knowledge with people and also exchanging ideas with others, and learning new things about life and other people.
Isaac’s favorite authors are Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton, and Alfred Hitchcock.