A holistic approach to public speaking means using every means possible to provide the best result for your mind and body. It is clear that the condition of your body affects the performance of your brain. A well trained and conditioned body can withstand stressful situations. Taking care of your personal health helps to keep you relaxed in stressful situations. And, it will directly determine how calm you can be and the level of energy you can display when giving your oral presentation. Your presentation has to be enthusiastic in order to reap its full benefits. If you think of and treat yourself as a professional sportsman in training you will win in the game of public speaking. The items outlined below will dictate your holistic approach to public speaking.

1. The foods you eat must represent a nutritious and balanced diet. This is the equivalent of putting water on machinery that requires oil. Your body will not function at its optimum. If you put Junk food in your body, you'll get garbage out. It is important to know what good nutrition is and what it looks like. Additionally, a regular exercise regimen will lower anxiety and make you less likely to give in to the biological aspects of fear of failure in public.
2. Getting adequate rest before speaking should never be overlooked. Being well rested will equip you to speak in a vigorous style. Being too exhausted to speak with enthusiasm will surely bore your audience beyond belief. It does not matter how much you rehearse your speech or how well it is written, if you are tired, you'll bore your audience to death.
3. Your voice has to be treated like a finely crafted instrument. If you smoke, quit. Smoking can cause shortness of breath and hacking coughs. There is nothing pleasant about a smoker's voice. Don't overexert your voice shortly before you speak, i.e. yelling at a ballgame or some other kind of like event. This leads to horsiness and/or a raspy sounding voice.
4. Finally, stay calm. The calmer and more centered you are, the better speaker you will become. Simply because you will have total control of your faculties. You will be less bothered by the fleeting symptoms of fear.

Author's Bio: 

Hello everyone, my name is Otis Brown. I am a former educator. I have always been intrigued by the internet. I have the greatest respect for those persons who can navigate it so well. One of my greatest ambitions is to have my own website to generate additional income for my family. To this end, I am looking forward to networking with successful people to learn how I can become more successful in marketing on the internet. I would expect to use what I learn to help others become successful. I think that helping each other is what it’s all about! I am sure that my experiences will be helpful to someone. I look forward to networking with everyone.
I have always been intrigued by the internet. And, I have the greatest respect for those persons who can navigate it so well. I am looking forward to networking with successful people to learn how I can become more successful in marketing on the internet. I would expect to use what I learn to help others become successful. I think that helping each other is what it’s all about! I look forward to networking with everyone.