Sin...wrong, wrongdoing, evil, evildoing, badness, crime, offense, immorality. Has man somehow escaped from these descriptions? Has the lust of worldly things so blinded us?
Lust...A strong or uncontrollable desire, especially for sexual pleasure, to desire eagerly. So captivated by selfish fulfillment that we wallow in our immorality and wear it like a badge of honor. Seeking the pleasures of man other than those unto God.
Pervert...To put to wrong use, to teach wrong ways to, someone who has formed unnatural habits. There is a 'hedge' of protection given to each of us by Almighty God. He is a God who is slow to anger and rich in mercy, but he is righteous and he will judge the unrighteous.
Sick...Ill, unwell, indisposed, poorly, ailing, below par, under the weather. The human condition that test the mind and body to the limits that strengthen character, relationships and spiritual journeys that only God and God alone establishes.
Repent...Feel regret, feel remorse, be sorry, be repentant, be penitent, contrite. God seeks hearts that are 'bankrupt.' He seeks not after the rich. When the cares of the world have robbed you of your life, this is the place you'll find yourself, down on your knees, seeking God's face.
Prayer...The offering of adoration, supplication, thanksgiving to God. Where your power lies, God's key to unlock the mysteries of your physical, mental, spiritual and financial woes. What Satan doesn't want you to know! The place we must all come to, in an attitude of Praise to see God move in our lives.
Deliverance...To set free(deliver from slavery) Are you a slave to sin, if you're enjoying it and show no ill effects, that's pretty scary. God says he chastens those he loves. WOE! Where are you today? Where's America? Caught up in a whirlwind of sin with no God in sight. God's judgement has begun to fall on us and our blindness continues.
Found yourself in any of the above? Not a great place to be. Has your worried mind made you old before your time? Does everything temporal rule your life instead of things not seen and eternal? Are you counting your riches and not Blessing God with your first fruits?
This handful of words pretty much encompasses every person to walk this earth. Forge your own path, forget about God until tomorow, sickness and despair finally hit you at the knees and you find yourself kneeling beside your bed. I repent Dear God, I'm sorry, heal me, deliver me, make my life right before you.
How big is the heart of God? Immeasurable by man's calculations. Big enough to love you while you lust and sin and commit acts of perversion. Big enough to chasten you.
Big enough to give you a means of reaching his throne, through his Son in prayer. Big enough to love you and deliver you when he sees a repentetive heart.
Big enough to send his Son to a lost and dying world to offer you a renewed relationship.
Lose your pride, selfish attitude, indifference and be BIG ENOUGH TO PRAISE HIM!
64 year old male living with wife of 43 years, Linda, in Virginia Beach, Va. Naval Reserve Vietnam veteran, former Import Manager for 2 Customs House Brokerages, Route Salesman, Truck Driver and Target Logistics Team Member. Author of two Christian books, Splinters On The Carpenter's Floor and A Carpenter Named Savior. My website offers information on dealing with Neuropathy,
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