In an effort to keep you on track, we remind you of the need for you to look beyond the boundaries of your personal life. It will inspire you to receive messages from the other side if you stay open to the idea of "inter-dimensional" communication. From the perspective of Spirit, there is no divide between the physical world and the spiritual. Likewise, with true trust and belief, you should be able to feel the same way. A vast majority of information awaits you!

The preference to be happy, as opposed to sad and depressed, is inborn in all people. This fact makes it possible for everyone to desire improvements in their life, in all forms. Why not tap into the Infinite Intelligence that has the same thing in mind for you? Stop the stubbornness of trying to rationalize each aspect of communication. Spirit has to work with you in an energy form, thereby making it a bit hard for you to conceive that this is just as powerful as an action performed in the physical sense. Trust the messages delivered through a variety of means. Pennies from Heaven, a ladybug landing on your arm, an unexpected windfall, and many other ways of contacting you are always reverberating. From the side of Golden Light, your happiness is our top priority.

It is also our hope that the world becomes a place of harmony and not divisiveness.
You can do your part by sharing your time with other people who could benefit from a helping hand. Why not perform a simple act of kindness? Why not open your heart to people you do not know, instead of instantly becoming wary of them? Why not feel love when Spirit thrusts it upon you, especially when you are given an opportunity to have your life improved? All these "whys" in your mind often create fear on your part. It is then that we find you panicking and unfairly ending a gift from the connection to Spirit, often doing so in a distasteful and improper manner. If you were to have complete faith in what you feel, then your happiness would come much easier. Keep in mind that your attitude towards others will also reflect back on the way the universe responds to you. Balance is everything!

Our purpose in this message is to get each of you to think about the simplicity of the loving communication you can have through Jesus, Moses, Buddha and the archway of angels. We want you to take the time to apologize to anyone you have wronged so that your heart and soul can feel cleansed. Otherwise, you are leading a life that is not truthful, thereby creating a path of uneven energy. Our goal is simple. It is to have each person feel a unique bond to Spirit, but even more, it is to have you become melded with the energies of greatness. There is one last thought from us; never assume that someone who has a true connection to the other side is being deceitful when your own thoughts embrace a wall of fear concerning a vast opportunity to change your life for the better. You are empowered and gifted by the Angels to be satiated and wrapped in the essence of pure love. May you find your steps leading you to the best path. These are The Spoken Words of Spirit.

Author's Bio: 

Jim is a renowned medium and psychic, but considers himself a teacher of spirituality. Although he has been doing most of his work on a more personal basis, Jim's new direction is to try to include more people to understand the simple, yet perfect connection they can have with their loved ones on the other side.

The ability to communicate with Spirits was not something he searched for. In July of 1993, while enduring a very difficult time in his life, Jim was suddenly blessed with being able to speak, see and hear numerous people and higher level souls in the other realm. He openly and actively shares the information he gets with anyone who desires to improve their life

Jim Fargiano can be reached on Facebook and Twitter, but most easily through his website at: Follow Jim Fargiano's blog: