Everyone who wears a beard or is going to wear it understands or must understand that a beard requires care. The beard does not always grow beautiful in itself, it needs careful attention. In this article we will try to tell you what it is to care for a beard and how to do it.

Haircut of beard: what is special about it.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to have at least three different machines for cutting a beard:
-for a haircut of mustaches,
-for whiskers,
-for the beard,
-individual blades/razors for shaving.

This is connected with the different width of the cutting blade, razor.

Naturally, only a professional barber can have such a number of tools in the set. In addition to the high cost of shaving appliances, you must also be able to either use and care for them, clean, wash, sharpen, etc. Often they cut beards in salons, barber shops. If there is a desire and the ability to cut a beard yourself, you can do and one machine with different attachments. Outlines can be done with an ordinary razor or a dangerous razor.

Styling of beard and mustache.

Hair growing on the face is not so soft and malleable for styling hair on the head. Most often, hair turns, protrudes in different directions, they are tough and naughty, all this makes caring for the beard and mustache not just a simple task. For styling, we recommend the use of special products, special combs and even ironing (straighteners) of hair. Such a set will help to control the unruly beard. Apply waxes to clean and dry hair. Preliminarily, you can straighten the hair. Do not forget about the comb. Experts recommend combing beards at least 3 times a day, while spending on it from five to seven minutes.

Oils and aromas for the beard.

The use of oils for facial hair is an excellent remedy when combating dryness of hair and facial skin. Dry hair and skin problem spreads to the beard. Choose an oil for yourself individually, you need to understand that the oil should be high-quality and hypoallergenic. If you smoke, you can not do without oil. Not only does smoking lead to yellowing of hair in the mustache area, it also leaves its pungent smell in the beard. This is especially showing when smoking pipes. The most common oils for caring for a beard are: Incense, Neroli, Mint, Orange, Rose, Tea Tree, Ylang-Ylang.

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Author's Bio: 

Hey! I`m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London ) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites.
Also, I`m interested in traveling, and my dreams is to travel around the whole globe. I`ve already been to Norway, France, German, Poland, and Morocco. Next time I want to visit India.
I`m going to write a book about my adventures in different countries.