6 Quick Lipstick Tricks! PART TWO

Since Valentine’s day is just around the corner we thought now would be a great time to talk about that kisser of yours. Are your lips Valentine’s-ready? To make sure they are, here are a few lipstick application tips to make the most of your pout…

If you haven’t already seen PART ONE of our quick-and-easy guide to making the most of your lipstick then please visit our website.

So on to part two… Our final three tips are all about application: If you need to plump up that pout or keep your lippy on for longer these tips are for you!

  • Lipstick Application

    Using a lip liner and lip brush is the best combination for applying lipstick as it gives you greater control of the application. Apply the liner starting at one corner and tracing around your lip to the other corner, but avoid going right into the corners of your lips. Then apply your lipstick once with the lip brush, blot with a tissue, and reapply. Apply a third time if you want a stronger look. Another tip: try coating your lips with foundation to smooth and soften your lips before applying your lipstick. Your lipstick colour should stay on for hours – except for times when your mouth is busy doing other things of course!

  • Keeping Lipstick Fresh

    No matter what colour lipstick you choose, apply lip liner to the outline and then use it to fill in the fleshy part of your lips, smudging slightly as you go. You can then follow with a gloss or lipstick but if you’re looking for ultra staying power use matte. You can always apply a thin layer of gloss over your matte lipstick to add shine. Another tip: when wearing a red lipstick, use a brown lip liner all over the lips first, as the red pigment will then last longer.

  • Creating Fuller Lips

    To get a bee-stung pout a-la Rosie Huntington-Whitely hold off on the botox treatment and try a little artful lip design instead. The trick to remember here is that light brings forward, dark recedes; light, glossy colours reflect the light making your lips appear larger while dark, matte colours will make lips appear smaller.

    So, how to do? First, using a lip liner close to your natural lip colour, trace the outer edge of your lips ever so slightly outside the natural line. Blend the liner into the centre of your lips with a lip brush to avoid a harsh edge. Use a deeper shade of that lip colour at the outside corners of your lips and then apply the slightly lighter shade to fill in the rest. Finish with a long-lasting gloss and don’t rub lips together as this will only reduce shine.

We hope these six tips on creating the perfect lip come in useful during your next make-up application. If you have any great tips you would like to share please leave a comment!
If you want perfect lips for your next big occasion, call in to La Spa for a full make-up treatment.

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