Panic attacks can really interrupt your daily life and you may already have been disappointed with the results of medication for treating them. On the other hand, there are many people who are not at all keen on turning to medication so easily. To control panic attacks using weight lifting may be a method you are more comfortable with. Any side-effects from weight lifting are normally positive only and the method is more natural.

Looking more toned and muscular, being stronger, and getting a real buzz from working out are all positive effects, which help control panic attacks. Before you begin, you need to ensure your health is generally good enough to start a routine of lifting weights. In cases where you are unsure, check with a physician. Most healthy adults can take up the sport and gain the confidence and control that comes from lifting weights.

The Correct Movement

If you lift weights to control panic attacks or for any reason, for that matter, you should try to lift with the correct form. To keep yourself safe from injury and to achieve the results you want, a level of concentration is needed to ensure the motion is correct. Exercising on machines makes this easier, as the movement is really set by the machine. Free weights are more difficult in this respect. A personal trainer is not necessarily essential but an introductory session or class will be needed. Magazines and the internet are a good resource to read up on the sport to learn more. A common mistake is to swing the weights, especially in the bicep curl. This is incorrect form, make sure you lift the weight with your strength in the working muscle, even if it means reducing the weight.

Breathing Technique

You will take a breath before you make a lift then breathe outwards as you lift the weight up. First, you will get the air you need into your lungs. Next, your lungs compress as you breathe out so much-needed oxygen is squeezed into the blood stream. While you are weight-lifting, never hold your breath. Controlling your breathing is key to controlling panic and so you can see a link here and why weight-lifting can help with panic attacks.

Building Confidence

The likely-hood of panic attacks affecting a person grows if that person feels vulnerable and insecure. Weight-lifting to control panic attacks will help a person's confidence grow. Even in the days after a work-out, increased confidence can help you to cope with difficult things. Daily challenges can be undertaken more easily, due to the feel-good factor of the hormones produces during your work-outs.

Author's Bio: 

Jason is the author of Are panic attacks ruining your life? Stop the fear today and take action. For more info, check out the
panic cure. There is advice on many topics, like managing panic attacks.