How do I have faith? That's an age-old question, is it not? I think for most of us it takes practice. Learning the best tools that we teach in Law of Attraction Life Coaching takes practice, but the exercises work. So it is well worth it to help yourself. Training with a law of attraction life and a relationship coach will cause you to accelerate your manifestations. Depending on your background, it is a unique process for all of us. It is similar to building muscle or teaching yourself to play an instrument, it has to take patience and intentionality. There is an exercise I coach named connecting beliefs that can help you walk your way up the levels of belief. Similarly, creating want is a good way to start finding the right way of being of what it is like to be filled with faith.

The most basic function we humans can do is to have a DESIRE. It's just how the entire Universe and the Law of Attraction operates. Scientific discoveries and Spiritual guides are all suggesting to us that the way of the Universe and the power of God is ever-expanding, boundless. The power of God is boundless in love, creation, freedom, joy, and compassion.

If love makes the earth go around, and I believe it does, then desire is the gas for the engine! A life coach can assist you in getting clear on your desires.

I can recall many years past when I was first learning about love and attraction and Universal Energy. One very important concept that wasn't made clear to me was the point of “unresisted” desire. That is to say, I did not understand how to nurture a desire that is in the business of truly understanding, appreciating and coming to expect having what I desired. I wanted plenty of things in life, it is just that I had some resistance to having them that I was not aware of. I believed that you had to labor and work really hard and for a long time for everything. I believed you had to prove yourself worthy of practically anything in life.

I started to hear all about how we could harmonize with the vibration of the Universe, or Source energy and that God wanted us to have every good thing. That sounded really good to me. In fact, in my heart of hearts I knew that God really wanted me, and all of his creations to live and be unequivocally happy. After all, that is the actual nature of God, I thought. But I never actually knew just how to receive or line up with what I desired in a way that allowed it to be my life experience.

Didn't Jesus even teach that? Ask, knowing you have received and it will be given.

Strengthen your desire by using your imagination. Let the Universal Law of Attraction know what you want and keep feeling readily expectant that it is manifesting. Keep your intention high and the resisting energy low and what you want will manifest very soon.

Author's Bio: 

Nanette Geiger is a relationship coach and author of many books and articles focusing on Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Self-Mastery. You can find more helpful articles on the Resource Page and books on the publications page of her website at

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