In many Charlie Brown cartoons, Lucy holds the football and tells Charlie, “This time you can trust me.” Each time, poor little Charlie falls for her trick and she pulls the football away. Sometimes, life just is not fair. But the truth of the matter is that even when kids do some silly things, as they grow up, they can learn from their experience; who and what to trust -- and how to trust, for that matter.
Sometimes we need to rise to the challenge and build our own self confidence in learning to trust ourselves. Just like the case with Charlie Brown, deep inside he always knows that Lucy is going to pull the football away but he still falls for Lucy’s tricks. If he would only listen to what his heart is telling him, he would finally win the day by ignoring her.
One of the greatest feelings in the world is finding the power within to resist the temptations that are not always good for us. It might sound fun at first, but if we truly know in our hearts what might happen, we would listen to what our inner voice is saying to us. I’m sure little Charlie could stand to learn a lesson from his many unfortunate experiences with Lucy.
If you ever fear rejection, lack self confidence, or simply feel that life is not fair -- it is time to look within and discover the real you that is pining to get out and become the powerhouse you are destined to be. Remember, you choose the direction that you want to go by putting one foot in front of the other. This is the same way you make the choices as to whether or not you will listen to what your inner voice is instructing you to do. Learn to listen to that voice and become the leader of your life and the life you want to lead. On another note, don’t listen to the Lucy’s in the world…they’ll get you every time!
Life Just Isn't Fair
By Joan Marie Whelan
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Childlike Creations in association with
Joan Marie Whelan
Joan Marie is associated with Childlike Creations- -recognized by Creative Child Magazine for our new Product...STAR POWER....with a SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD!
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